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Can we drive traffic from WDTK to AskTheEU? #50

Closed garethrees closed 8 years ago

garethrees commented 8 years ago

Q: Can we drive traffic from WDTK to AskTheEU?

[Explain how you will measure this]

Look at referrals from WDTK

[What do we need to do to be able to take the measurements?]

garethrees commented 8 years ago

Not marked as "active" in the spreadsheet, but I have a feeling we said we were ready to do this

Gemmamysoc commented 8 years ago


On AsktheEU's Google Analytics I looked up 'Acquisition' - 'All Traffic' - 'Referrals' then searched for 'whatdotheyknow'.


From when links to AsktheEU were added to WDTK homepage (18th March 2016) to 4th May 2016 no traffic has come to AsktheEU from them :(

Overall, AsktheEU has had 18 sessions (11 new users) from WhatDoTheyKnow since it started in 2011 until July 2012. In other words, there have been no referrals from WhatDoTheyKnow to AsktheEU since July 2012.

Gemmamysoc commented 8 years ago


I think we should try and experiment with the location of the links to AsktheEU on WDTK. As only 3.96% of WDTK users see the homepage (since the start of tracking analytics for the site), we should put the links to AsktheEU on the sidebar next to each request, to see if this works better.

garethrees commented 8 years ago

I think we should probably try @Gemmamysoc's suggestion before continuing to write this up?

garethrees commented 8 years ago

Design task; like, but in the sidebar on the request pages

Gemmamysoc commented 8 years ago

Have put on Design Issues backlog for estimation

zarino commented 8 years ago

Ticket for adding the info to the sidebars:

garethrees commented 8 years ago

Deployed better tracking urls to WDTK at ~12:30 on 2016-06-01

garethrees commented 8 years ago
  1. Acquisituion > Campaigns > All Campaigns > alaveteli-experiments-54 > whatdotheyknow / banner
  2. Secondary Dimension: Ad Content to break down by exact banner
Gemmamysoc commented 8 years ago

Between 1st June 2016 and 27 June 2016 the banners on WDTK bought 366 new users to AsktheEU. There were 422 sessions. The bounce rate was 47.63%

Gemmamysoc commented 8 years ago

Perhaps now we put similar banners on other EU sites?

Gemmamysoc commented 8 years ago

Extra stat to add to the above: Out of the 422 sessions, 139 requests were made - a 33.10% goal conversion rate

Gemmamysoc commented 8 years ago

That's the highest goal conversion rate of any traffic source!

garethrees commented 8 years ago

So I think the answer here is yes we can, and it had good results for AskTheEU.

Moving this to "needs writeup"

Gemmamysoc commented 8 years ago

"Perhaps now we put similar banners on other EU sites?" -regarding this - it probably doesn't make sense to advertise AsktheEU on Italian, Croatian, Hungarian and Czech instances, as AsktheEU is only in French, English, Spanish and soon to be German.

garethrees commented 8 years ago

They can still ask in one of the "official" EU languages AFAIK. They just need to be able to navigate the site in one of the available languages, which shouldn't be too difficult given that they should be familiar with their national install.

Gemmamysoc commented 8 years ago

That's true. I have created a new ticket for this anyway:

Gemmamysoc commented 8 years ago

Ah, sorry. Didn't add this vital bit of info:

Out of the 422 sessions, 342 of them were from clicking on advert/banner on Request pages, 46 from the Find an Authority page, and 34 were from homepage.

So placing it on the request pages if the most effective location.