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[ERROR] statistics#index (Math::DomainError) "Numerical argument is out of domain - \"sqrt\"" #4433

Open gavinrozzi opened 6 years ago

gavinrozzi commented 6 years ago

The public authority statistics page is broken for us and we have begun receiving this error as of Wednesday:

A Math::DomainError occurred in statistics#index:

 Numerical argument is out of domain - "sqrt"
 lib/confidence_intervals.rb:28:in `sqrt'


 * URL        :
 * HTTP Method: GET
 * IP address : [FILTERED]
 * Parameters : {"controller"=>"statistics", "action"=>"index"}
 * Timestamp  : 2017-12-20 21:55:36 -0500
 * Server :
 * Rails root : [FILTERED]/
 * Process: 23591


 lib/confidence_intervals.rb:28:in `sqrt'
 lib/confidence_intervals.rb:28:in `ci_bounds'
 app/models/public_body.rb:722:in `block in get_request_percentages'
 app/models/public_body.rb:721:in `each'
 app/models/public_body.rb:721:in `each_with_index'
 app/models/public_body.rb:721:in `each'
 app/models/public_body.rb:721:in `map'
 app/models/public_body.rb:721:in `get_request_percentages'
 app/models/statistics.rb:49:in `block (2 levels) in public_bodies'
 app/models/statistics.rb:43:in `each'
 app/models/statistics.rb:43:in `block in public_bodies'
 app/models/statistics.rb:42:in `each'
 app/models/statistics.rb:42:in `public_bodies'
 app/controllers/statistics_controller.rb:7:in `index'
 app/controllers/application_controller.rb:120:in `record_memory'
 lib/strip_empty_sessions.rb:13:in `call'
lizconlan commented 6 years ago

this might be as "simple" a fix as requiring 'mathn' (this instance is running 2.1.5 but that same note appears in the docs for multiple versions so I don't think this is factor)

(although my lazy reading of this implies we're asking for the square root of a negative number so it might be worth having a dig into what's happening here)

gavinrozzi commented 6 years ago

Just checked the statistics page and strangely enough this error is no longer occurring on No changes have been made to the site since the creation of this issue.

garethrees commented 6 years ago

This also happened on Belgium recently!topic/cron-alaveteli/IMrvIpFUbd8