mysociety / annual-report

Simple static site describing mySociety’s year in numbers
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mySociety annual report 2021 #62

Open MyfanwyNixon opened 2 years ago

MyfanwyNixon commented 2 years ago

Starting a ticket where we can discuss questions/requirements for the annual report 2021.

Proposed deadlines:

Copy finalised by: 2 December Initial design completed by: 9 December Comments, changes and snags completed by:14 December Final proofreading: 15 December Send date: 16 December

@lucascumsille FYI, it feels like changes are always having to be made right up to deadline, including the addition of stats etc, but these are certainly the dates to aspire to. The final proofreading is often conducted by several staff members and they always find a few issues, so it's wise to keep that date relatively free if possible.

I've made a good start on the copy, so in fact I think it should be ready before 2 Dec; in any case I'm adhering to much the same template as our 2020 report, so in theory it should be possible to lay out the basics even before the copy is finalised (one notable change is that we'll lead with the Climate section but that's presumably a minor design point).

Some important points to note for now:

MyfanwyNixon commented 2 years ago

The first draft of the copy is now available on

While it's far from finished, I think it's complete enough to make a start on the design. Shout if anything isn't clear!

lucascumsille commented 2 years ago

Thank you @MyfanwyNixon. I'll take a look and let you know 🙂