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Create 2025 Scorecards “site” #645

Open zarino opened 5 months ago

zarino commented 5 months ago

Last year, we moved the 2022 Plan Scorecards into the scoring2022 Django app, and created a new scoring app for future ("Action") Scorecards years.

This year we probably want to extend the scoring app, with a second year of Action Scorecards.

zarino commented 4 months ago

In terms of URLs, we’ll be continuing the convention we started last year, where the latest content is always available at the year-less paths, while older content has the year in it.

So, we’ll have a "transitional" period, where only the new ("updated") Methodology has been published, and that’ll require us to change only two URLs:

Content Current path New path
2023 methodology /methodology/ /2023/methodology/
2025 "updated" methodology /methodology/

But eventually, all the URLs will change:

Content Current path New path
2023 homepage / /2023/
2023 methodology /methodology/ /2023/methodology/
2023 about page /about/ /2023/about/
2023 council pages /councils/:slug/ /2023/councils/:slug/
etc… /…/ /2023/…/
2025 homepage /
2025 "updated" methodology /methodology/
2025 about page /about/
2025 council pages /councils/:slug/
etc… /…/
struan commented 4 months ago

The methodology one is the only complicated one as it's going against all the other ones in that it does not always load the default methodology year. However, I can resolve this by adding in a setting I think which is the simplest option.