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Look into feasibility of letting users search for resources (TRAs, support services, etc) by location #39

Closed zarino closed 4 years ago

zarino commented 4 years ago

Something mentioned by Rhiannon at SGTO.

We’ve had a “Directory of Residents Action Groups” earmarked for a while – – but how would it work?

Does it need to be searchable by postcode? (Like finding your local councillors’ details on WriteToThem.) Or is it good enough to have resources categorised by region?

We’re going to wait to see whether anyone else brings up a searchable directory again. But in the meantime, this is something to stay aware of.

zarino commented 4 years ago

I’ve done some more thinking on this over the last sprint.

Location-based search will be hard to get right. Some support services might have areas of effect (eg: only supporting tenants on a particular estate, or in a particular city or borough), so we’d need a way to model and query on that, like MapIt but for tenant support services. Meanwhile, search will be quite patchy until there’s lots of data in the database, which might leave users feeling like the site is quite "empty".

I think we want to get something up, that at least presents groups in an attractive way, and lets people browse or filter a list of groups by:

I’m thinking the data we’d need about each group, to make it useful, would be:

The database also needs to be easy for TBUK volunteers to edit. Rather than building something bespoke within Wordpress, I’m tempted to outsource the data editing to Google Sheets. The main advantages of this:

Thinking in more detail, here’s what we’d need to do:

It seems inevitable that the spreadsheet data will get accidentally messed up at some point, so the JavaScript code will need to be resilient to the data not being in the shape / format it expects. Perhaps it could print out an error only if the user is logged in, so that admins can be notified about errors, but visitors just won’t see that particular column or row?