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Import data on local news/media outlets #338

Open zarino opened 7 months ago

zarino commented 7 months ago

Earlier this year, Jake from TCC noted that information about local news outlets would probably be useful to both national and local organisers, when looking to promote campaigns. He was thinking: name, contact details, link to website.

Media contacts came up in the initial prototyping/alpha process too, but we shelved the idea because we didn’t know where we could find such a dataset.

Looks like the Public Interest News Foundation has collected something that might fit the bill:

I wonder how this could map onto constituencies? And whether PINF would be happy with us reusing the data?

zarino commented 7 months ago

Reading the report, I think most of the data might have come from

JoePINF commented 4 months ago

Hello! Joe from PINF here, happy to chat!

JoePINF commented 1 month ago

An update here:

With new and better data (as at April 2024)!

zarino commented 1 month ago

April 2024 data here. (Thanks PINF!) It’s at a local authority level, but given the distribution areas are pretty fuzzy anyway, I’d say it’s ok for us to also expose this at a constituency level, by showing the media orgs that cover any local authorities (may be more than one!) that cover the given constituency.