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Switch to SCA #103

Closed dracos closed 5 years ago

dracos commented 5 years ago

This updates to use Stripe's new SCA-compatible flows.

dracos commented 5 years ago

"I've not been able to consistently reproduce it, but sometimes the Stripe popover asked me to confirm a transaction value of £299.99 instead of £300. I've had confirmation emails to that effect:" - it's prorating you, you've been on the free plan for long enough that it's starting to discount the rest of the month already :)

dracos commented 5 years ago

"There's an odd behaviour where it's possible to get locked out of your account if the card fails when changing plan:" - the problem here is that, due to the new flow, the subscription has already been updated before the card has been approved with 3DS or what have you. So we can't really let them back in, as it were, until they can pay for what they've already been updated to. I guess the "Sorry your card has been declined" page could, if they already have a sub, be more like the subscription details page but try and explain that they have an incomplete subscription upgrade and won't be getting it until they provide new payment, but quite complex.

"Page reloads and you're taken to another 3D secure check (is this correct?)" - you've picked a test card that always requires 3DS validation, which I don't think normal cards will. A normal card at this point hopefully will remember it's passed the first 3DS validation and not require the second. There's no way round this if the card really does always require 3DS validation for every request (well, we could skip the first 3DS asking, but then all users will get the pointless Stripe email too).