mysociety / parlparse

The scraper/parser that produces data for TheyWorkForYou, PublicWhip, etc
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Extract agreement information from XML #169

Open ajparsons opened 8 months ago

ajparsons commented 8 months ago

Twfy-votes splits the concept of a “Decision” into “Divisions” and “Agreements” - where agreements are decisions taken without a vote.

Exactly how to interpret these is difficult, but it’d be useful to have a list of these decisions, in a way we can link to TheyWorkForYou.

Basically we want an equiv of the divisions table - with chamber, date, motion information, and links to the twfy debate.

This will be incomplete, but as a basic approach “question put and agreed to” flushes a lot of these out.

We can then experiment with including these with policies (as extra ‘informative’ information) - which more broadly helps illustrate that lots of decisions (big and small) are made this way.

dracos commented 8 months ago

Note that e.g. has no such 'decision' line. I watched the video and they do the Aye shouts

ajparsons commented 8 months ago

"Question put forthwith" might also be a good watch word from a quick search. But also, I think this is something we might be able to encourage consistency on where it's not already present.