mysociety / popit

DEPRECATED - Development on PopIt has stopped and it is no longer being maintained
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a conjunction of _missing_and _exists_ queries causes an exception #764

Open mhl opened 9 years ago

mhl commented 9 years ago

As reported by @symroe, this query produces an error:

... which is:

  "errors": [
    "Invalid q parameter: _missing_:contact_details.type:twitter AND _exists_:standing_in.2015.post_id",
    "org.elasticsearch.index.query.QueryParsingException: [popit_yournextmp] Failed to parse query [_missing_:contact_details.type:twitter AND _exists_:standing_in.2015.post_id]; org.apache.lucene.queryparser.classic.ParseException: Cannot parse '_missing_:contact_details.type:twitter AND _exists_:standing_in.2015.post_id': Encountered \" \":\" \": \"\" at line 1, column 30.\nWas expecting one of:\n    <EOF> \n    <AND> ...\n    <OR> ...\n    <NOT> ...\n    \"+\" ...\n    \"-\" ...\n    <BAREOPER> ...\n    \"(\" ...\n    \"*\" ...\n    \"^\" ...\n    <QUOTED> ...\n    <TERM> ...\n    <FUZZY_SLOP> ...\n    <PREFIXTERM> ...\n    <WILDTERM> ...\n    <REGEXPTERM> ...\n    \"[\" ...\n    \"{\" ...\n    <NUMBER> ...\n    "