mysociety / theyworkforyou

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TWFY specific donate page #1777

Closed ajparsons closed 3 months ago

ajparsons commented 3 months ago

This is a work-in-progress PR to add an internal donate page to TWFY.

Basically it's a new markdown-based page to dump some twfy specific language and intergrade a donate box.

I am experimenting with just using stripe's donation links/boxes to speed up time to deploy.


We're basically wanting to test a theory we're losing people by making people go through If people use these links - we can justify spending a bit more time on a stripe integration that moves the form into the site.

The downside is less customisability. Need to check if the gift-aid approach is compliant or if we'd just want to leave that out while we're testing the approach.

The content of the page itself we can update in this google doc for the moment:

ajparsons commented 3 months ago


ajparsons commented 3 months ago

Simplified approach dumping the fancy box:


@zarino: would probably be worth a quick opinion from you at this point in the spirit of "does this pass an uglyness/easyness balance test?"

zarino commented 3 months ago

@ajparsons Looks fine to me! Tricky things, donation prompts – you want them to be in-your-face enough that people notice them, but tidy enough that people don’t feel like they‘re about to be scammed. This one toes that line pretty well :+1:

One thing I’d check is how it looks on narow screens – do the buttons wrap nicely, etc.

ajparsons commented 3 months ago

Yeah that seems mostly ok:

dracos commented 3 months ago

Re gift aid - what's the issue here? Happy to chat about it.

ajparsons commented 3 months ago

@dracos: Several potential gift aid issues:

I am a UK tax payer and understand that if I pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations in that tax year, it is my responsibility to pay any difference. I will let mySociety know of any changes to my tax status, including changes to my name or address, or if I need to cancel this agreement.

Which @jaquarone has confirmed we need to be tell HMRC we've told people.

I'm trying using a custom field to capture the info in stripe:


(know about the typo)

Possibly can try squeezing it in on the confirmation page? Open to other ideas. There's a "stop doing the simple thing and do a proper integration with our own form" somewhere around this point - especially where if it ends up being slightly harder to access in stripe backend.

dracos commented 3 months ago

I dunno about the "simple thing" but given TWFY/ are both PHP, copying the existing Stripe code from .org would probably Just Work? It's all self-contained, nothing to do with wordpress or anything like that :) And would then definitely pass through the data in the same way if that's a concern.

ajparsons commented 3 months ago

Yeah, the API itself I'm not worried about (as you say just copy the main site, and my understanding is it's a fairly nice one anyway) - it's more having dealing with the formatting for a relatively mini version of the form is getting beyond the "let's just have some easy buttons" that I sold myself on.

Just to copy an comment from Jill in here: "make the subscription option £5 a month rather than £10 a year". Ideally if anyone clicked the lighter option it's part of the case for coming back and doing a form that gives a few options.

ajparsons commented 3 months ago

Okay, just did the whole thing - copying the stripe form over:


I'll tidy up the commits and do a proper PR next week but to flag things I'm hmm about:

Note to self: Change the default utm site bit so we're tracking any uses of this form are TWFY.

ajparsons commented 3 months ago

Ok! So this is ready for review. A support us page with a stripe donate form.

Broadly - I have imported the form and stylings, making some adjustments.

This includes some updates to the form from and some extra discoveries while doing this (such as better handling for subscriptions) that I'm going to move back into that in a second.

I've assumed the existing stripe credentials can be used - but now need to include reCAPTCHA credentials.

ajparsons commented 3 months ago

Fixup is just applying Zarino's comments from the other PR here

ajparsons commented 3 months ago

Note that this probably needs to have separate stripe credentials to the existing ones (API goes to SocietyWorks account). Not a big change so not going to make it until other reviews are in.

ajparsons commented 3 months ago

That's great, thanks!

I've changed one thing where the error message wasn't being wrapped by your new wrapper. I think the error is a bit less ERROR ERROR now - but still noticeable.

ajparsons commented 3 months ago

Fixed made to above comments - one new commit to redirect existing donate links towards the new page (not important we get them all).