Closed asardon closed 1 year ago
As Jamie pointed out on discord, gauges are pool dependent, ie curve LPs define into which gauge they stake their curve LP tokens. Hence if we want to allow borrowers to use their curve LP tokens for staking in curve -while pledged as collateral in myso- then this requires that the user can define into which curve gauge he wants to stake while initiating a borrow. For this we need to allow users to provide additional staking tx related data (this data is not static, as I incorrectly mentioned before, but instead will be specific to each staking tx).
In light of this, having two dedicated bytes data seems like the only way to go -ie where we have one dedicated bytes data var for passing additional data for callback specific txs (eg swap limits, balancer pool to swap with etc) and one for passing additional data that is specific to compartment related txs (eg which gauge to stake into). By having two separate additional data bytes, we ensure that these two data flows can be handled independently from one another, without potentially conflicting data encodings.
When a user initiates a borrow we know the collToken address, which in this use case would be a LP curve token. Moreover, as described above the user would also specify which curve gauge he wants to stake into. To ensure that users don’t provide malicious gauge contracts we need to verify the correctness of the provided gauge addr. But instead of maintaining a whitelist for this ourselves (which is hard to keep updated and adds additional gas cost) we can use curve‘s „gauge controller“: There we can verify that the user provided gauge contract is indeed registered with curve (just need to lookup through gauges getter and for user defined index that result matches). Lastly, we need to check that the gauge addr „belongs“ to given LP token (recall that gauges and pools have a 1:1 relationship), and we can do this via the gauge‘s lp token lookup method to verify that returned lp token address matches the one that user provided (eg see here for stETH-ETH pool
After additional discussions and putting in more thought, it seems simpler and cleaner to not automatically stake any „stakeable“ tokens that the user wants to use as collateral. Instead, borrowers can stake any collateral simply in a second separate tx after the borrow tx is completed.
The are pros and cons to this approach are as follows:
If onchain quote allows for compartments, then a borrower that chooses this option will have his collateral be sent to collateral. If borrower then also wants to stake he can do this by calling a staking function on the compartment. Staking is all-or-nothing (unstaking automatically happens on repay/reclaim). Verifying the integrity of staking address can be checked through curve‘s gauge controller from the compartment (ie given compartment impl has curve gauge controller hardcoded as its specific to this implementation and can then use it for simple lookup that provided staking address is valid).
In the borrower gateway the data bytes are used in two ways: (a) for callback functionality and (b) for compartment creation. This tight coupling (see can lead to conflicting data usage, ie where callback contract is assuming one form of encoded data (eg minswaplimit, deadline etc for balancer swap) and compartment implementation contract is expecting different encoded data (eg curve staking gauge address). This means that callback contract would need to know about what additional data may be encoded in data depending on compartment logic, which creates an unnecessary dependency among both contracts, where instead it should be possible to use callback/compartment logic independently of one another.
Solution Idea
In Case compartment implementations definitely need dynamic data to be passed, one could add a dedicated compartment data var and rename the callback data accordingly to clearly distinguish between both and allow for targeted usage of either one. Alternatively, one could remove usage of data in compartment logic. Currently compartment logic uses data only in curve staking contract to encode curve gauge address. This address is static and could also be defined as a constant. Note that this usage of data is different than in callback logic, where the dynamic data is tx specific (ie encodes pool id, minswapreceive limit and deadline, which will depend on given tx and asset pair one wants to lever up) and not constant/static (this usage of dynamic data follows the pattern for flashborrows in aave or flashswaps in uni).