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Windows 10, VirtualBox black screen after Mysterium uninstall #104

Open qkum opened 2 years ago

qkum commented 2 years ago

Hey :)

I was a little tired and did the stupid thing of starting the installation of Mysterium on my main machine (Windows 10) instead of on a linux virtualbox machine.

And now I ofc have to pay the price.

After the reboot I woke up (with hyperv and linux subsystem turned on) I stopped the install (said no to giving admin rights to change more stuff) and uninstalled the app.

Found a guide to turn Hyperv and linux subsystem off. (my work needs virtualbox and therefore Hyperv off)

But now my virtualbox machines are slow and end in black screen on them and freeze.....

(main pc is windows 10, and I run linux on virtualbox virtual machines all the time)

I'm going to look into "reverting" windows by 24 hours.

Anyone else got any suggestions?

Thanks in advance for your help & time 🥇

qkum commented 2 years ago

Even after restoring my windows 10 main pc, 3 days back in time. Did not fix the problem.

New Virtual Machines also lag like crazy.

And both my VM's have crashed and I have most likely lost all data on one of them because I had not taken a snapshot in a week.(it was a week old, all lost, huge in size. Did not want to make snapshots all the time, would fill the drive in no time...)

The worst part is it seems I have to reinstall the whole PC as the only solution.

Something has been changed during the installation in the BIOS. That made it impossible to repair without some developers who know what the code exactly does - tells me exactly what has been changed to the dot.

I tried repairing VirtualBox, Using a restore point 3 days back, Manually reverting the changes etc with no luck.