mysteryengineer / reddit-downloader

Download all the pictures/videos posts from a particular user on Reddit.
MIT License
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Couldn't find downloaded files #1

Closed traviss64 closed 10 months ago

traviss64 commented 10 months ago

First time focker user & this was so confusing. Somehow managed to made it worked but couldn't find the files. WSL which is installed doesn't let users to access MNT folder and during docker environment filling can't set the location. When I tried putting the code you mentioned in terminal in the docker it was giving loads of error from using $ to wrong "docker" name.

Can you PLEASE put put a user friendly guide?

Edit: Okay, I found it. Under the docker itself there is FILES option and there were the downloaded files.

vegidio commented 10 months ago

Firstly, I never intended that the instructions on how to use this media downloader would also cover how to use Docker. If you never used Docker before then I'm sure you can find numerous tutorials online about that. Also, the fact that apparently you're trying to run the command with $ tells that you should familiarize yourself with the command prompt.

After you get these two requirements out of the way then you will realize that the instructions are already user friendly.