mysticatea / eslint-plugin-eslint-comments

Additional ESLint rules for directive comments of ESLint.
MIT License
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`no-unused-disable` does not work within Markdown files #23

Closed ehmicky closed 5 years ago

ehmicky commented 5 years ago

<!-- eslint-disable no-inline-comments -->

var aa = true


  - eslint-comments
  - markdown
  no-inline-comments: 2
  eslint-comments/no-unused-disable: 2

In the terminal:

$ eslint

The command does not report any errors. However no-unused-disable should be reported.


I am not sure whether the issue comes from eslint-plugin-eslint-comments or eslint-plugin-markdown, so I decided to report this bug here.

mysticatea commented 5 years ago

Thank you for this report.

eslint-comments/no-unused-disable is the alias of --report-unused-disable-directives option.

The markdown plugin seems to handle the HTML comments in a different way from ESLint core, so the rule doesn't recognize the HTML comments. So this is not a bug, but an enhancement.

ehmicky commented 5 years ago

Thanks for your answer, you're right. Now I know eslint-plugin-markdown is the problem, not eslint-plugin-eslint-comments. I've added an issue to their repository.