mysticcoders / voicenotes-sync

A plugin for Obsidian to sync with the service
MIT License
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Syncing not happening (used Apple ID for Voicenotes sign up) #14

Closed qwertydude closed 1 month ago

qwertydude commented 1 month ago

Syncing is not working and when I open the developer console, it says login failed to return JSON.


Obsidian: 1.5.12 Voicenotes Sync: 0.0.9

I originally signed up with Voicenotes using Apple ID. In Voicenotes Sync, I'm using its email and password.

kinabalu commented 1 month ago

Ok, so the settings login won't actually work for the secondary login methods they provide since this is an OAuth transition that happens server side.

Steps to login (quite manual but doable).

  1. Open up in a browser like Chrome
  2. After logging in open up Developer Tools
  3. Navigate to the "Network" tab
  4. Click on Fetch/XHR to see those calls specifically
  5. Hit refresh on the page
  6. One of the entries should say "me" click on it and navigate to the Headers section
  7. Scroll down to "Request Headers" and find the line that says "Authorization"
  8. The right side of this entry will say "Bearer x" where x is a longish string of text. This is your authorization / login key
  9. Copy that value for the next step

Back in Obsidian

  1. Disable Voicenotes Sync plugin in Obsidian
  2. Navigate to the .obsidian/plugins/voicenotes-sync directory in your vault on the filesystem
  3. Open up data.json in an editor of your choice
  4. The value of the token field needs to contain the entire bit after Bearer in previous stage
qwertydude commented 1 month ago

Thanks! That mostly worked. It's only downloaded 10 notes. Which, when I test in Insomnia, I see the "per page" is set to 10.

Any trick to get it to download all?

Also, notice tags are not imported and assigned. Is that on the todo list?

kinabalu commented 1 month ago

4 will resolve the download all issue (and usually will happen only on first sync or if you hit "manual sync") btw how many pages of voicenotes do you have? just trying to gauge

and #17 i just created so we can add tags to the notes (i think this wasn't there when I first wrote this)

kinabalu commented 1 month ago

4 and #17 are both resolved now in 0.0.10. Thank you

qwertydude commented 1 month ago

Thanks for all that! Just bought you a coffee. Great work!

Five pages of Voicenotes btw.

Just ran and went perfect. All notes now and with tags!