mysticfall / pivot4j

Pivot4J provides a common API for OLAP servers which can be used to build an analytical service frontend with pivot style GUI.
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Support for Mojarra implementation with Analytics application #126

Closed mysticfall closed 10 years ago

mysticfall commented 10 years ago

Currently, the Analytics application cannot be run on Mojarra JSF implementation, as it reports various duplicated client id problems which might be caused by enabling partial state saving with duplicated generation of component tree.

mysticfall commented 10 years ago

Relevant component tree :

            +id: j_idt82
             type: org.primefaces.component.overlaypanel.OverlayPanel@198e542
              +id: filter-form
               type: javax.faces.component.html.HtmlForm@f35600
                +id: j_idt83
                 type: org.primefaces.component.tree.Tree@1934cc0
                  +id: j_idt84  <===============
                   type: org.primefaces.component.tree.UITreeNode@b63fb7
                    +id: j_idt85
                     type: javax.faces.component.html.HtmlOutputText@1112370
                  +id: j_idt84  <===============
                   type: org.primefaces.component.tree.UITreeNode@193fd24
                    +id: j_idt85
                     type: javax.faces.component.html.HtmlOutputText@d06404
                +id: j_idt86

Looks like it's the same issue I reported to Mojarra before: