mysticfall / pivot4j

Pivot4J provides a common API for OLAP servers which can be used to build an analytical service frontend with pivot style GUI.
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Pivot4j-analytics - use it for dasboards enhancement #133

Closed mlamy closed 10 years ago

mlamy commented 10 years ago

For dashboard purposes the pivot4j-analytics should be able to hide all panels except the query results panel.

I think it will be a great addition to pivot4j-analytics project. As I see it one way to implement it will be if we keep things as they are now and add a new url or url parameter for example like this: http://pythos:8380/pivot4j-analytics/openonlyresults.xhtml?path=/FaixaEtaria or http://pythos:8380/pivot4j-analytics/open.xhtml?path=/FaixaEtaria&queryresults=true&mdx-editor=false&navigator=false&toolbar=false...

mysticfall commented 10 years ago

@mlamy I decided to postpone implementing panel switching feature by request parameter as you suggested until we do #60 first.

However, I just added another feature to (hopefully) satisfy your requirement instead. With the latest version, you can add '&embeded=true' to the URL as shown below to hide all editing controls:

Actually, it will redirect to embed.xhtml, instead of view.xhtml which is much simpler than the latter so I hope it would allow easiser customization.

Please try this and let me know if you need further assistance.
