mysticfall / pivot4j

Pivot4J provides a common API for OLAP servers which can be used to build an analytical service frontend with pivot style GUI.
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Column Selection in Drill Window does not work = drill functionality does not work #200

Closed szymic1 closed 8 years ago

szymic1 commented 8 years ago

Pentaho 6.1+ Pivot 1.0

Column selection functionality in Drill Window does not work - when I select few columns and press "Apply" new columns appear but when I unmark column and press "Apply" column is displayed and I cannot modify any column selection. With this error "Drill" functionality is useless and work randomly - I cannot create export! On the screen below column "ILOSC POJAZDOW NA KREDYT" is displayed but unmark this column and I pressed "Apply" (table does not responded to changing configurartion).

2016-05-05 11_57_55-pivot4j

mysticfall commented 8 years ago

Sorry to hear that you have such an issue, but I failed to reproduce the problem you mentioned.

Does it occur only with a specific data source? Or can you reproduce it with the FoodMart database?

Also, please check the log file and see if you see any error messages when it happens.

szymic1 commented 8 years ago

Hi I make tests usign following configuration:

these same problem appears on Debian+Java 1.7 and it happens every time I make a test.

Here you have movie how to reproduce bug

After installation I simply login to server and I've made a test in this link you can see what I've done during this test. As you can see on movie after initial 'drill window' opening nothing is 'checked' in "Column Selection" what is first bug after choosing "Quantity" and "Sales" two column have been shown, I've deselected "Sales" and pressed Apply - and now nothing change :(

mysticfall commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the detailed instruction. I was able to reproduce a similar problem and I just started investigating it now.

The relevant stacktrace was:

mondrian.olap.MondrianException: Mondrian Error:Unknown member type in DRILLTHROUGH operation.
        at mondrian.rolap.RolapAggregationManager.addNonConstrainingColumns(
        at mondrian.rolap.RolapAggregationManager.makeCellRequest(
        at mondrian.rolap.RolapAggregationManager.makeDrillThroughRequest(
        at mondrian.rolap.RolapCell.getDrillThroughSQL(
        at mondrian.rolap.RolapCell.drillThroughInternal(
        at mondrian.olap4j.MondrianOlap4jCell.drillThroughInternal(
        at mondrian.olap4j.MondrianOlap4jStatement.executeQuery2(
        at mondrian.olap4j.MondrianOlap4jStatement.executeQuery(
        at org.pivot4j.transform.impl.DrillThroughImpl.performDrillThroughMdx(
        at org.pivot4j.transform.impl.DrillThroughImpl.drillThrough(
        at org.primefaces.component.datatable.DataTable.loadLazyData(
        at org.primefaces.component.datatable.DataTableRenderer.preRender(
        at org.primefaces.component.datatable.DataTableRenderer.encodeEnd(
mysticfall commented 8 years ago

Finally, I was able to track down the root cause of this problem. I'll deploy a new snapshot containing the fix now.

Thanks for your patience!

szymic1 commented 8 years ago

Hi, I've installed (using update n marketplace in Pentaho 6.1, is it right way to install?) and now it works a little better but bug still exists. To be honest there are 3 bugs.

First bug: as you see it works with measures but when you want marked/unmarked rows related to dimension numbers of columns does not change :(

Second bug: When you close Drill Window and you open once again this window and you check only one column two columns are displayed :(

Third bug: It is not severe bug but in my opinion should be fixed - when you open Drill Window parts of messaures/dimension are unmarked but columns are displayed.