mysticfall / pivot4j

Pivot4J provides a common API for OLAP servers which can be used to build an analytical service frontend with pivot style GUI.
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Some calculated values missing with a hierarchy aggregator . #72

Closed mysticfall closed 11 years ago

mysticfall commented 11 years ago

When you specify a SUM type hierarchy aggregator to the column axis, some of the aggregated values are not showing up(i.e. USA, Mexico, Canada).

SELECT {[Measures].[Unit Sales]} ON COLUMNS, Hierarchize(Union(Union(CrossJoin({[Product].[All Products]}, {[Gender].[All Gender]}), CrossJoin({[Product].[All Products]}, [Gender].[All Gender].Children)), {([Product].[Drink], [Gender].[All Gender]), ([Product].[Non-Consumable], [Gender].[All Gender]), ([Product].[Food], [Gender].[All Gender])})) ON ROWS FROM [Sales]
mysticfall commented 11 years ago

Currently, test cases for AggregatorHideParentIT and AggregatorFullIT shows this defect and should be updated accordingly.