mysticfall / pivot4j

Pivot4J provides a common API for OLAP servers which can be used to build an analytical service frontend with pivot style GUI.
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.Properties() doesn't work #86

Closed klaudiusz223 closed 11 years ago

klaudiusz223 commented 11 years ago

with member [Measures].[address] as '[Store].CurrentMember.Properties("Street address")' select NON EMPTY {[Measures].[address]} ON COLUMNS, NON EMPTY [Store].[USA].[CA].[Beverly Hills].Children ON ROWS from [Sales]

Failed to execute the MDX query Fatal error parsing MDX:Couldn't repair and continue parse invalid symbol "PROPERTIES"

Could be connected to this

Jpivot from pentaho BI doesn't have this problem anymore

klaudiusz223 commented 11 years ago

Executing this query via XMLA causes following error.

Failed to execute the MDX query The specified member does not have 'PARENT_UNIQUE_NAME' property.

mysticfall commented 11 years ago

@klaudiusz223 Could you try it again with this version please? If it fails, please give me the stacktrace.

I don't understand why it's trying to apply the workaround I made for #76, when apparently there's no ragged members involved in that query.

klaudiusz223 commented 11 years ago

Now everything is OK.