mythmon / edwin

A bug management system
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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stats stats stats -- STAT! #68

Open willkg opened 9 years ago

willkg commented 9 years ago

Edwin is doing stuff. Yay! And yet, what's been done and how much was done and all that is a mystery.

I propose we build a stats page that grabs the last two weeks of resolved bugs (I guess by last_change_time but that's not quite correct--we really want resolved time) and then shows the following:

  1. the last two weeks of bugs in all their glory
  2. the total number of points in the two week period
  3. count break down by ... assigned to? estimate? component? -- Sort of answers where we spent our time and where each of us spent our time.
  4. point break down by ... assigned to? component? -- Sort of answers where we spent our time and where each of us spent our time.

We might want to make it "last two weeks" or "this quarter".

At one point, Mike and I talked about something like this and I said it should be a separate page and Mike said it shouldn't. I'm not sure it should go below the timeline on the timeline page (e.g. /t/:team). I kind of think it should be a different route (/s/:team?). I could be convinced otherwise. Maybe it's all in the Timeline component, but you can toggle views of the data or something.

Preferences? Thoughts?

What questions do we need answered? What data do we have to answer them or approximate them?

Also, I have item 1 done already, but I did it in a different route. It's not hard to merge it in.