mytourbook / mytourbook

Source code for MyTourbook
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[2.5D Map] Show direction arrows similar like in the 3D map #516

Closed wolfgang-ch closed 1 year ago

wolfgang-ch commented 2 years ago

The current direction arrows are using bitmaps which has UI limits when displayed rotated.


This very first approach is using a circle instead of an arrow 2.5D/3D symbol, this will be the next step but first learning of OpenGL skills is needed



wolfgang-ch commented 2 years ago

After many many hours and days of try and error, I could finally setup a dev environment to easily edit/test the vtm sources

MT commit [2.5 Map] Using "vtm-parent" plugin for vtm development

VTM commit [2.5D Map] "vtm-parent" plugin setup for vtm development

wolfgang-ch commented 2 years ago

Finally, now static symbols are painted on the tour path but the more complex math part for me is coming, that the direction arrows are showing in the correct direction

wolfgang-ch commented 2 years ago

Direction arrows are now working :-))))

What helped me a lot for the math, examples in the internet, e.g.

But there are some issues

wolfgang-ch commented 2 years ago

Implementing and testing 2.5D map features is sometimes creating nice effects which were not intended

wolfgang-ch commented 2 years ago

Should this be the next direction arrow ?

telemaxx commented 2 years ago

looks like a Paperplane, nice.

the current position could be an animated bicycle or an walking man. instead of the point.

FJBDev commented 2 years ago

looks like a Paperplane, nice.

the current position could be an animated bicycle or an walking man. instead of the point.

And the MT user will choose their favorite icon in the MT preferences 😄

wolfgang-ch commented 2 years ago

looks like a Paperplane, nice. the current position could be an animated bicycle or an walking man. instead of the point.

And the MT user will choose their favorite icon in the MT preferences 😄

... or can add their blender file

FJBDev commented 2 years ago

... or can add their blender file

That seems advanced for a "normal" user

wolfgang-ch commented 2 years ago

Paperplane arrows are now working :-)

Fin height = 0

Fin height > 0

Currently the fins have a typical 3D issue, z-fighting, the marked fins should not be visible, they are from the arrows which are behind the others.


wolfgang-ch commented 2 years ago

Z-Fighting is now fixed


@telemaxx Can the "old" direction arrows now be replaced with the new arrows ?

wolfgang-ch commented 2 years ago

With one middle fin it looks like an area of sharks




telemaxx commented 2 years ago

@telemaxx Can the "old" direction arrows now be replaced with the new arrows ?

Yes of course, you're arrows/sharks are looking a lot cooler than my arrows and they are also visible when the map i tilted a lot.

wolfgang-ch commented 2 years ago

The sharks are also in the water


wolfgang-ch commented 2 years ago

The arrow head is set to be +1 higher than the arrow tail, when both have the same z-axis value and are overlapping, then the overlapping part was flickering, caused by the concurrent fragment shader cores.


wolfgang-ch commented 2 years ago

The direction arrow settings are now saved in the track option profiles

wolfgang-ch commented 2 years ago

There are a few track color issues when the opengl depth buffer is activated for the track. It seems that the line shader algorithm is not supporting track opacity:

In the video it was not visible that the track inner color in not opaque for the background


wolfgang-ch commented 2 years ago

Many direction arrows



telemaxx commented 2 years ago

good 3D Benchmark.

how was the Performance, could you turn and move in Realtime?

wolfgang-ch commented 2 years ago

I recorded this video with 30 fps and it is smoothly

Last week I saw this video where each item is also moved and is not static as the direction arrows


It also performs very good with all my tours


wolfgang-ch commented 2 years ago

On the road to a new feature there are sometimes interresting effects.

wolfgang-ch commented 1 year ago

The animation speed can now be selected

When the 2.5D map is losing the focus, then the framerate will drop to 1 fps otherwise the selected fps is used. Dropping the fps to 1 will reduce the power consumption (and the pc vent could also stop earlier)

Power consumption with 30 fps


Power consumption with 1 fps


Is there a need to run animations when the 2.5D map do not have the focus ?

wolfgang-ch commented 1 year ago

With the shader file editor (c++ editor) has similar features as when it would be a java file, HOWEVER this tool is not compatible with Mylyn tasklist, both need the same plugin but with different versions, so I'm using a separate Eclipse instance


wolfgang-ch commented 1 year ago

When profiling the OpenGL drawing commands then the directions arrows are consuming the least performance, most is consumed by painting the map


wolfgang-ch commented 1 year ago

This animated triangle is now using a different approach than the prevous animated arrows. The triangle position is now computed in the shader (GPU) and not in the CPU. This allows now to move different models on the tour track.

It took me some day's to finally get a working solution for the first step 😄 but there are additional steps, correct direction, smooth moving, ... 👷

FJBDev commented 1 year ago

Nice :+1:

wolfgang-ch commented 1 year ago

One small step further

wolfgang-ch commented 1 year ago

Now it looks better, OpenGL has invinite possibilities, when you understand it

FJBDev commented 1 year ago

it looks better, OpenGL has invinite possibilities

Does that mean that in the future, MT will require a minimum graphic card specification (CPU, RAM) to use the 2.5 D map ?

wolfgang-ch commented 1 year ago

it looks better, OpenGL has invinite possibilities

Does that mean that in the future, MT will require a minimum graphic card specification (CPU, RAM) to use the 2.5 D map ?

The 2.5D map is mostly not settting a GLSL version, so they use version 110. I just saw that version 120 is set for the circle drawer.

For the direction arrow shaders only, I raised the version to 330 to can use the "modern" (12 year old) in/out syntax.

Until now I don't know which version I need in the future but a new feature could be set optional that the shader do not need to be loaded, which is currently not yet implemented, currently all shaders are loaded at once.


wolfgang-ch commented 1 year ago

The smoothed animation is now working 😄

The minimal angle which is set in the video to 3°, could be set to be even more smooth.

wolfgang-ch commented 1 year ago

I started to implement a map player that the animation can be controlled but there are still many desired features which needs to be implemented, e.g. start/stop/pause

FJBDev commented 1 year ago

I started to implement a map player that the animation can be controlled but there are still many desired features which needs to be implemented, e.g. start/stop/pause

Very nice feature!! 👍 Can you implement it in a way so that the player can be reused for the 2D and 2D maps ?

wolfgang-ch commented 1 year ago

It's already prepared for any map but animations in 2D map is total different than in 2.5D or 3D map


wolfgang-ch commented 1 year ago

The map player is now implemented

wolfgang-ch commented 1 year ago

Moved the computation of the animated angle into the shader preparation code, the angle is now computed in each frame and not computed for all frames before the animation starts.

The reason was, when the animation is looped, then the symbol jumped when moving from the end to the start but I didn't thought, that it's now also smoothed when the animation is paused, it is turning the symbol into the correct direction 😄

FJBDev commented 1 year ago

Will that "relive" feature be in ?

EDIT: It would be nice it there was a feature to play the arrow while drawing the track

wolfgang-ch commented 1 year ago

Now with re-live, the position is not yet perfect but it is working

Now I anticipate the next feature requests:

wolfgang-ch commented 1 year ago

I've found now a promising glTF loader and viewer which I'll try to use in MT to replace the moving triangle

wolfgang-ch commented 1 year ago

Now I'll try to implement the animated figure with the jMonkeyEngine and then draw (blend) this animation image (Texture2D) into the 2.5D map, per frame.

All of this is done with OpenGL but yesterday I discovered that there are now 2 programs (contexts) using the same OpenGL environment at the same time. This is however supported since a long time and objects can be shared between different OpenGL contexts but it makes the whole idea even more complex.

What me helps is that there are examples in the web, e.g.

This is the idea for my next MT steps. Does it work, theoretically yes but the time will tell.

wolfgang-ch commented 1 year ago

jMonkeyEngine seems to be not a simple solution now plan B, I'll try to use libGDX but the current used version must be lifted up in the VTM map otherwise the gltf models do not work

wolfgang-ch commented 1 year ago

Now I'll try to use for libGDX animations and found some nice free models on like the above, but some models failed or have issues when running in gdx-gltf.

However the way is still very long to replace the above animated triangle with an animated 3D model but now it seems that I've found everything which is needed to implement it.

FJBDev commented 1 year ago

That's fancy 3D 😄 Can't wait to see what it looks like in MT!

wolfgang-ch commented 1 year ago

Today I discovered that there is a 3D poi layer for the 2.5D map 😄

However it gets very slow when increasing the window size but it is using libGDX models which I also will use for the map animation, so it seems to be a good example where I can learn from.

The trees are randomly placed, e.g. cover a memorial, is in the center of a crossing or a street


wolfgang-ch commented 1 year ago

Found an even better layer, with these 3 lines of code, a 3D model can be placed at any location




telemaxx commented 1 year ago

sometimes it can be easy.

did the models produce a shadow like the buildings?

wolfgang-ch commented 1 year ago

sometimes it can be easy.

It looks now easy but it's not. Now I've 2 different running implementations which I have to merge somehow. Both are using the same but the environment is different, however this finding is still very helpfull.

did the models produce a shadow like the buildings?

Currently I don't care about details 😄

When I get this animation to be working, then shadows could be implemented with libGDX and other cool things.

wolfgang-ch commented 1 year ago

The glTF loader has also a demo program where you can test some configurations, also the shadow

wolfgang-ch commented 1 year ago

This is the very very first running 3D animation with the 2.5D map 😎

OK, there are issues with the car but a rotation should fix it 😄

Yesterday evening the code almost worked but it could not find the path to the shader code and I was too tired to get it fixed. Today I added the jar to the vtm plugin and then it worked 😄

Now with the correct rotation

wolfgang-ch commented 1 year ago

The animation is not yet perfect, it could be more smooth and better positioned at the head of the triangle, but it moves now along a tour track