myuhe / org-gcal.el

Org sync with Google Calendar
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error http 400 #102

Open joseph-vidal-rosset opened 6 years ago

joseph-vidal-rosset commented 6 years ago

Hello, I am near to succeed to use org-gcal but I get always the same error message: "Wrote /home/joseph/MEGA/org/ (New file) Wrote /home/joseph/MEGA/org/ Make /home/joseph/MEGA/git/scimax/userorg-gcal/.org-gcal-token [2 times] Got error: (error http 401) Got error: (error http 400) (error http 400)"

Version of my emacs: joseph@joseph-MS-7996 ~ $ emacs --version GNU Emacs 27.0.50

The very last one, I think... Your help is welcome.

mwfogleman commented 6 years ago

I am also getting these errors as well as (error http 403).

It seems that if I delete the whole file and try again, it updates accurately, but otherwise I am stuck with old calendar info.

rollacaster commented 6 years ago

darosio's comment here #82 fixed it for me

jskulski commented 6 years ago

I ran into this as well.

darosio's fix didn't work at first. I had to delete the .emacs.d/org-cal/.org-gcal-token and then eval'd (org-gcal-request-token) which worked.

ygol commented 6 years ago

following @dominic998 solution in #82, I could get it to work last week but since few days it doesn't work anymore. I tried deleting .emacs.d/org-gcal/.org-gcal-token and then evaluating (org-gcal-request-token) and also tried several times over these days to use org-gcal-refresh-token but I get each time an http error 401. Anyone else has this problem?

hughwilliams94 commented 6 years ago

Indeed, I confirm. I tried to follow @dominic998 solution in #82 and get no success. Please advise on any more info that I can provide? Just to add I get a 400 error rather than a 401

davidszp commented 6 years ago

Same problem. On org-gcal-refresg-token I get:

Make c:/Users/[User]/AppData/Roaming/.emacs.d/org-gcal/.org-gcal-token Got error: (error http 400) (error http 400)

holzee commented 6 years ago

rm .emacs.d/org-gcal/.org-gcal-token then eval (org-gcal-request-token) works for me

larskouwenhoven commented 4 years ago

This works for me as well - but then the problem returns the next day. Is there a more permanent solution?

hasan-sh commented 4 years ago

I had a similar problem and spent hours to fix the returned http error. After many trials and debugging, it was because i created a different calendar and its calendar-id was not the same as my email address; I don't know why that did/does not work?

But yeah so that was the problem, only when i try to create an event. For fetching, however, it worked just fine. So that's still mystery to me! Anyway, if you use your email address as the calendar id it should work fine.

Another tip: activate the alert feature; (setq alert-default-style 'libnotify) so that you get a feedback on what went good/wrong.

telotortium commented 4 years ago

Hi, this repo is obsolete. You should try to see if it fixes your issues.

telotortium commented 4 years ago

Hi everyone! This repository is obsolete - the actively developed fork is now, which is also the "org-gcal.el" on MELPA (see #115). I'm one of the maintainers of I can't directly close issues or PRs on this repo, but please download and see if your issue or PR is still applicable. If so, open an issue or PR on In any case, you should close your issue or PR in this repo.