myuhe / org-gcal.el

Org sync with Google Calendar
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deferred error : (wrong-type-argument char-or-string-p (error http 400)) when doing org-gcal-fetch #25

Open idontgetoutmuch opened 10 years ago

idontgetoutmuch commented 10 years ago

This may not be possible but I have a personal id ( and a work id ( so I have set up in .emacs

(setq org-gcal-client-id "" org-gcal-client-secret "your-secret" org-gcal-file-alist '(("" . "~/")))

(setq org-gcal-client-id "" org-gcal-client-secret "your-other-secret" org-gcal-file-alist '(("" . "~/")))

The first one works but if I execute the second (position the cursor at the end and C-x C-e) then when I do e.g. org-gcal-fetch I get deferred error : (wrong-type-argument char-or-string-p (error http 400)).

Should this work? Is there a way of making it work? Is there a better way of using two different google ids?

darrylhebbes commented 9 years ago

Hi, I know it has been a while, did you manage to solve this issue? I am having this with one entry

idontgetoutmuch commented 9 years ago


zeltak commented 9 years ago


same issue here, any solution


sollidsnake commented 9 years ago

I just had this problem and managed to fix. For some reason, my client id in google console had changed. I updated in my init.el and now it works again.

erikmd commented 9 years ago

Thanks @sollidsnake for your feedback. I don't know if that means that this issue is resolved for the other people (?), but anyway I have to mention that the commit that is now part of master should prevent the type error occuring here (wrong-type-argument char-or-string-p …) and just notify the user with (error http 400).

justmytwospence commented 8 years ago

I'm also getting (error http 400).

l-margiela commented 8 years ago

And me too

d12frosted commented 8 years ago

I had similar problem and fixed it by manually calling (org-gcal-request-token) in order to grant access to application for all my calendars. It turns out that org-gcal doesn't really check if application has access to calendar.

telotortium commented 4 years ago

Hi everyone! This repository is obsolete - the actively developed fork is now, which is also the "org-gcal.el" on MELPA (see #115). I'm one of the maintainers of I can't directly close issues or PRs on this repo, but please download and see if your issue or PR is still applicable. If so, open an issue or PR on In any case, you should close your issue or PR in this repo.