myuhe / org-wunderlist.el

Org sync with Wunderlist
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Failed fetching tasks #5

Open tonicebrian opened 8 years ago

tonicebrian commented 8 years ago

When I issue the org-wunderlist-fetch I get the fetch tasks completed but nothing has been brought to Emacs. In the Messages window I can see:

REQUEST [error] Error (error) while connecting to
REQUEST [error] Error (error) while connecting to
REQUEST [error] Error (error) while connecting to

Is there any way to understand what's going on? I have configured my app_id and token_id in Emacs but maybe something else is missing but the error is non-informative.

hideaki-t commented 8 years ago

I had the same problem. in my case, I put client secret but not access token by following the installation instruction. I have been able to fetch data after setting my access token to org-wunderlist-token you can generate your access token by clicking CREATE ACCESS TOKEN button on your app page

I think this is a documentation issue.

tonicebrian commented 8 years ago

Thanks @hideaki-t that was my exact problem, I took the client secret by the actual token. That solved the issue connecting to the API but still not getting tasks. My setup:

I open ~/Dropbox/GTD/ and then issue M-x org-wunderlist-fetch I'm able to see in the Messages buffer

(No changes need to be saved)
Fetching task is completed.

but nothing happens, nor there are tasks in nor there are new files in org-wunderlist-dir. Of course I have two test tasks under the Work list in a newly created Wunderlist account

Am I doing something wrong?

myuhe commented 8 years ago

Show your setting code and environment. Try to eval org-wunderlist-plist too. org-wunderlist-plist has task list that fetches from wuderlist.

tonicebrian commented 8 years ago

Hi, my org-wunderlist specific config is:

(require 'org-wunderlist)
(setq org-wunderlist-client-id "my-clientid"
      org-wunderlist-token "myToken"
      org-wunderlist-file  "~/Dropbox/GTD/"
      org-wunderlist-dir "~/Dropbox/GTD/org-wunderlist/")

I don't really know how to "eval org-wunderlist-plist". I've put in the scratch buffer org-wunderlist-plist and then M-x eval-buffer and I get:

eval: Symbol's function definition is void: :id

Since I have a newly created account without much content, I can send you privately my client-id and token if you think it would be useful.

myuhe commented 8 years ago

It is weird , but I can't reproduce it. Do you use folder? org-wunderlist is not support it.

tonicebrian commented 8 years ago

Sorry. Too busy lately and missed your answer. I've created a test account for you to check contents.

My config is:

(require 'org-wunderlist)
(setq org-wunderlist-client-id "fe03c062b879217b5933"
      org-wunderlist-token "d618a6ec177253292735c311a52a67276a820785e2f7b648b3f9e5405149"
      org-wunderlist-file  "~/GTD/"
      org-wunderlist-dir "~/GTD/org-wunderlist/")

maybe you can spot something wrong. If you can't have a look just tell me and I regenerate both client-id and the token.

elais commented 8 years ago

I'm having this problem under Windows actually. When I fetch comments I get a request error though I pull in the wunderlist logo. I even tried it on my Mac but again I got an empty inbox and an icon.

Are my lists supposed to have the same name as org-mode keywords or something?

gejianxin commented 8 years ago

I have the same issue. I placed access token instead of client secret as org-wunderlist token, but it still didn't work. The message buffer shows

REQUEST [error] Error (error) while connecting to REQUEST [error] Error (error) while connecting to REQUEST [error] Error (error) while connecting to

Also I found out that wunderlist.png in the org-wunderlist-dir has below informations

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">

Proxy error: 400 Couldn't parse URL.

400 Couldn't parse URL

The following error occurred while trying to access

400 Couldn't parse URL

Generated Thu, 31 Mar 2016 16:27:01 �й���׼ʱ�� by Polipo on X230:8123.

This is my .emacs setup.

(require 'org-wunderlist) (setq org-wunderlist-client-id "659f2ee0511f9300747b" org-wunderlist-token "70b15ff36d00ec3a23f22ca4b160398d8f7dfe2b44dfe5c2b6fa9e84fab5" org-wunderlist-file "D:/Cloud/Software/workspace/org/" org-wunderlist-dir "D:/Cloud/Software/workspace/org/")