myxuchangbin / dnsmasq_sniproxy_install

One-click Install and Configure Dnsmasq and Sniproxy for CentOS/Debian/Ubuntu
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Not unblocking after setup #90

Open uby777881 opened 5 months ago

uby777881 commented 5 months ago

Hello sir, I have installed DNSmasq+SNI proxy in my VPS1 (which support streaming media) then i have resolved the VPS1 IP to the Junk VPS2. But VPS 2 can't unblock streaming media.

i itried dig 解锁鸡IP and it shows my VPS1 IP nslookup also showing VPS1 IP. Still VPS2 can't unbock the streaming media. Please help.

IMG_5896 IMG_5897 IMG_5898 IMG_5895 IMG_5899 IMG_5900

uby777881 commented 5 months ago

journalctl -xe | grep sniprox -- Subject: Unit sniproxy.service has begun start-up -- Unit sniproxy.service has begun starting up. -- Subject: Unit sniproxy.service has finished start-up -- Unit sniproxy.service has finished starting up. -- Subject: Unit sniproxy.service has finished shutting down -- Unit sniproxy.service has finished shutting down. -- Subject: Unit sniproxy.service has begun shutting down -- Unit sniproxy.service has begun shutting down. -- Subject: Unit sniproxy.service has begun start-up -- Unit sniproxy.service has begun starting up. -- Subject: Unit sniproxy.service has finished start-up -- Unit sniproxy.service has finished starting up. Feb 01 10:27:37 sniproxy[8868]: recv(client): Connection reset by peer, closing connection

myxuchangbin commented 5 months ago

It seems that your sniproxy failed to start or install.

uby777881 commented 5 months ago

Thank you for your response. I have found the issue. It was an problem from the vps provider.

I have one more question.

Supose i have 2 VPS which can't watch streaming media. and i have a DNS IP provider. I used thier IP and resolved the DNS in one of the VPS (VPS1). Now VPS 1 can access streaming media because of thier DNS IP.

Can i install SNI Proxy + Dnsmasq in the VPS 1 and use VPS1 IP to resolve in VPS 2. Does it help to unblock VPS 2 streaming medias?

Do i need to change any configration to do this?

myxuchangbin commented 5 months ago

If DNS IP is restricted like a white list, VPS2 may not be available. You can try installing on VPS1 and then modify the DNS configuration of the sniproxy to DNSIP. specific also need to test.

uby777881 commented 5 months ago

Actually the DNS IP provider have whitelist. I will need to add my VPS IP in the website to whitelist and i will able to use their DNS in my VPS.

if i add my VPS1 IP in the whitelist of the DNS provider and install DNSmasq+SNI PROXY in the VPS 1 and modify sniconfig and change my VPS1 IP to DNS IP in the configuration.

Which IP should i use in the VPS2 to resolve. Is it the VPS1 IP or the IP from the DNS provider?

myxuchangbin commented 5 months ago

Using VPS1 IP, you described that the DNS IP has whitelist restrictions and cannot be used directly.

uby777881 commented 5 months ago

Thank you. I will give it a try and update if it works or not.

uby777881 commented 5 months ago

Hello Sir, I have tried to do with another vps the unblock netflix and it works. But after unblocking serveral time later, The vps IP is blocked for NetFlix. Is it because of the VPS provider issue or do i need to do anything to avoid the detection?

VPS 1 i bought from a cloud service provider and it was unblocked all the streaming medias, After setup DNSmasq+SNIproxy i resolved the DNS1 IP with my all other vps (total 30 VPS) and all the 30 vps can able to use Netflix. After 2 or 4 hours i did the test again and all the vps is blocked for Netflix and the main VPS1 too. It shows Netflix result as (Originals Only).

myxuchangbin commented 5 months ago

It could have triggered the Netflix lockdown mechanism