myzinsky / cloudLogOffline

An App as Offline Frontend for CloudLog
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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upload not working in 1.14 #81

Closed KellyFromSales closed 1 year ago

KellyFromSales commented 1 year ago

I've not changed any settings from when it was working previously.

Checked my api key is correct. 'Test API Key' shows as green when i click it.

I've tried posting data to my cloudlog instance with postman using my api key and it works as expected.

I've had a go at monitoring the traffic from the app when i try and upload, to try and rule out a connection being blocked, the results from this - testing the api, and then trying to upload - i can see the request to /auth but i don't see one to /qso being made.

So i'm wondering if the button might not be working for me or something.

any other steps i can try to debug this?

android pixel 7 pro.

PD0RZH commented 1 year ago

Same here. Upload not working. Test API is not working either. Before it worked.

petrus-lt commented 1 year ago

I have the same issue here on

with log_threshold=4 in config.php, I get an error 404 Page Not Found: Indexphp/api in the cloudlog logs, with an additional 404 in the webserver logs, while as @KellyFromSales I have no issues using curl (200 ok on the same url).

Confirmed on Android 11, iPhone and desktop, with a different api key, all with cloudLogOffline 1.1.4.

Edit: I found where my issue was: a trailing / in the Hostname setting. Obviously I had all my clients configured the same way... I had to decrypt tls to see that the POST call was beeing made to /cloudlog//index.php/api/qso.

Once corrected, all clients are now functioning.

KellyFromSales commented 1 year ago

@petrus-lt i think i've tracked down my problem thanks to your comments!

my local cloudlog instance uses /Cloudlog/index.php which i have set up correctly in my app settings.

however when i try and export in the app to /api/qso it's using cloudlog/index.php/api/qso thanks to this .toLower() which was added in the last update.

/cloudlog/index.php/api/qso doesn't resolve, whereas Cloudlog/index.php/api/qso does, so its failing. @myzinsky is it possible to revert this change? or do i need to look at changing my cloudlog instance to use 'cloudlog' ?

myzinsky commented 1 year ago

@phl0 you did that change, what do you think?

phl0 commented 1 year ago

@phl0 you did that change, what do you think?

I think I made that bug. Will check and correct.

phl0 commented 1 year ago

Made a bugfix on and also a fix for autoremoving things like "http://", "https://", trailing "/index.php/api/qso" or trailing slash from URL with

KellyFromSales commented 1 year ago

appreciate you raising a PR for that so quickly after identifying the issue, thanks!

phl0 commented 1 year ago

appreciate you raising a PR for that so quickly after identifying the issue, thanks!

Well it wasn't fast but now it is fixed. Tnx for reporting.

myzinsky commented 1 year ago

Yes thanks!

I have now to find time to push it into the stores 🤪

KellyFromSales commented 11 months ago

hi @myzinsky

Do you have any idea when this update will make it out to the store? (or did it go out already and it's not working..)

myzinsky commented 11 months ago

@KellyFromSales I'll recently moved the app from my apple account to DARC's. The same I have also to do for google. After that I will do a new release!