mzabriskie / react-disqus-thread

React Discus thread component
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Properties don't update #14

Closed maerzhase closed 8 years ago

maerzhase commented 8 years ago

When you update the Properties of the component the new properties are not loaded. The result is that you only have one diqus thread until you unmount and remount the component.

is this behaviour intended? if so i will create my own fork of this component. otherwise please implement a behaviour for ReactLifecycle componentDidUpdate()

mzabriskie commented 8 years ago

I am working on a release that will address this.

maerzhase commented 8 years ago

i am still experiencing the same issue with your current release – so i am still working with my own version of your component. do you want me to make a pullrequest for that issue!?

konsumer commented 8 years ago

I also had this issue. 2 problems: the props weren't being propagated to state, and the shortname comes from the original js tag, so if that changes, it won't update. My code also resolves #25.

import React from 'react'

export default class Disqus extends React.Component {
  constructor (props) {
    this.state = props

  componentWillReceiveProps (nextProps) {

  componentWillMount () {
    const component = this
    if (typeof DISQUS !== 'undefined'){
        reload: true,
        config: function () {  
 = component.state.identifier
 = component.state.title
 = component.state.url
 = component.state.category_id
          this.callbacks.onNewComment = component.state.onNewComment
      if (typeof document != 'undefined') {
        const script = document.createElement('script')
        script.src = `//${component.state.shortname}`
        script.async = true

  render () {
    let {shortname, identifier, title, url, category_id, onNewComment, ...props} = this.props
    return (<div id="disqus_thread" {...props}></div>)

Disqus.propTypes = {
   * `shortname` tells the Disqus service your forum's shortname,
   * which is the unique identifier for your website as registered
   * on Disqus. If undefined , the Disqus embed will not load.
  shortname: React.PropTypes.string.isRequired,

   * `identifier` tells the Disqus service how to identify the
   * current page. When the Disqus embed is loaded, the identifier
   * is used to look up the correct thread. If disqus_identifier
   * is undefined, the page's URL will be used. The URL can be
   * unreliable, such as when renaming an article slug or changing
   * domains, so we recommend using your own unique way of
   * identifying a thread.
  identifier: React.PropTypes.string,

   * `title` tells the Disqus service the title of the current page.
   * This is used when creating the thread on Disqus for the first time.
   * If undefined, Disqus will use the <title> attribute of the page.
   * If that attribute could not be used, Disqus will use the URL of the page.
  title: React.PropTypes.string,

   * `url` tells the Disqus service the URL of the current page.
   * If undefined, Disqus will take the global.location.href.
   * This URL is used to look up or create a thread if disqus_identifier
   * is undefined. In addition, this URL is always saved when a thread is
   * being created so that Disqus knows what page a thread belongs to.
  url: React.PropTypes.string,

   * `category_id` tells the Disqus service the category to be used for
   * the current page. This is used when creating the thread on Disqus
   * for the first time.
  category_id: React.PropTypes.string,

   * `onNewComment` function accepts one parameter `comment` which is a
   * JavaScript object with comment `id` and `text`. This allows you to track
   * user comments and replies and run a script after a comment is posted.
  onNewComment: React.PropTypes.func