mzashh / HUB75-Pixel-Art-Display

A WIFI enabled LED Pixel Art Display based on HUB75 panels driven by the ESP32
MIT License
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Auth not working #1

Closed vexter0944 closed 1 year ago

vexter0944 commented 1 year ago

I tried the default admin, admin in the code to auth - and I just get a 401.

I changed the password to password and still get 401. Is there something about the auth I need to be aware of?



mzashh commented 1 year ago

i'm pretty confused as to why its not working for you, try changing it in line 327 and 328.

config.httpuser = "admin"; config.httppassword = "password";

alternatively you can just bypass the auth functionality by changing line 169 in webserver.ino to

bool isAuthenticated = true;

this will authenticate the user by default, thus bypassing auth.

also can you give some more information like ide version, hardware etc.

vexter0944 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the response, appreciate it! I'll try your suggestions and report back in. Here's my arduino ide info: image

This is the esp32 I'm using:

IF you need more info - let me know. I'll report back in as soon as I get a chance to try your suggestions as well.

vexter0944 commented 1 year ago

Same issue if I change 327 and 328. Still can't auth. But yes, changing line 169 in webserver.ino to bool isAuthenticated = true; worked and got me in. I'm very puzzled as well.

mzashh commented 1 year ago

thats pretty odd, so lets see if we can get things matching

my IDE version is 1.8.19 try using that.

other than that perhaps try using wifi hotspot from your phone and see if the issue still persist on the phone

or you can share a temporary wifi ssid and password and ill give you a precompiled binary which you can flash and see if that fixes the issue

other than the auth issue is everything working fine?

vexter0944 commented 1 year ago

I can try 1.8.19. I was just getting this up and running on the esp32 - have not wired up to hub75e panel yet, so not sure as to the display working fine yet. I wanted to make sure it was functioning (uploads/webserver etc) - before doing all the hookup to the hub75e panel. Will report in once hooked up to panel and confirmed working. Thanks for your help and responsivness!

pablomofo1 commented 1 year ago

Works perfect on legacy Adruino

mzashh commented 1 year ago

Solution use legacy Arduino IDE v1.8.19

vexter0944 commented 1 year ago

Noted - thanks for the test and feedback, appreciate the help!