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Determine Non-functional Requirements #17

Open Mzeey opened 7 months ago

Mzeey commented 7 months ago

Description: In addition to functional requirements, it's crucial to define the non-functional requirements that will guide the development of a robust and reliable application. Non-functional requirements encompass aspects such as performance, security, reliability, scalability, and usability.

Action Items:

  1. Identify and list non-functional requirements relevant to the project.
  2. Clearly define the criteria for each non-functional requirement to ensure measurability.
  3. Consider the impact of non-functional requirements on the overall architecture and design of the application.
  4. Collaborate with stakeholders to prioritize non-functional requirements based on their criticality to the project.

Non-functional requirements play a vital role in shaping the overall quality and performance of the application. This issue serves as a starting point for capturing and documenting these requirements to guide the development team effectively.


devshalem commented 6 months ago

Non-functional requirements are aspects of a system that describe how it should behave, rather than what it should do. For a prepaid meter utility application with end-user and admin user data management, here are some non-functional requirements considered:


  1. Response Time: Specify the maximum acceptable response time for critical functions, such as loading user data or processing transactions.

  2. Throughput: Define the number of transactions or requests the system should handle per unit of time.


  1. User Scalability: Specify the expected growth in the number of users, and how the system should scale to accommodate this growth.

  2. Data Scalability: Describe how the system should handle an increase in the volume of data, such as user accounts, transaction history, etc.


  1. System Uptime: Specify the minimum required uptime for the application.

  2. Fault Tolerance: Define how the system should handle failures and ensure continuous operation.


  1. Data Integrity: Specify measures to ensure the integrity of user and transaction data.
  2. Error Handling: Define how errors, exceptions, and edge cases should be handled to maintain system reliability.


  1. Access Control: Specify who has access to what data and functionality.
  2. Data Encryption: Define how sensitive data (such as user details and transaction information) should be encrypted.
  3. Audit Trails: Specify logging and auditing requirements to track user activities and system changes.


  1. User Interface Design: Define the design principles and guidelines for a user-friendly interface for both end-users and administrators.
  2. Accessibility: Specify any requirements related to making the application accessible to users with disabilities.


  1. Browser/Device Compatibility: Specify the browsers and devices the application should be compatible with.
  2. Integration with External Systems: If the application needs to integrate with external systems, define the compatibility requirements.


  1. Code Maintainability: Specify coding standards and practices to ensure the codebase is maintainable.
  2. Documentation: Define documentation requirements for both code and system documentation.

Performance Monitoring:

  1. Monitoring Tools: Specify tools and techniques for monitoring system performance.
  2. Logging: Define logging requirements for tracking system behavior and diagnosing issues.

Regulatory Compliance:

  1. Data Protection and Privacy: Ensure compliance with relevant data protection and privacy regulations.
  2. Legal Requirements: Identify and adhere to any other legal or industry-specific requirements.


  1. Integration Standards: Specify standards for integrating with external systems or devices.

Capacity Planning:

  1. User Load Prediction: Define how the system will handle peak loads and plan for capacity accordingly.

Remember, these non-functional requirements will vary based on the specific needs of your prepaid meter utility application and the regulatory environment in which it operates. It's essential to gather input from stakeholders to ensure all relevant considerations are addressed.

devshalem commented 6 months ago

Here are some stakeholders and the types of input they might provide:

End Users:

  1. User Experience Preferences: Input on the user interface design, ease of use, and overall user experience.
  2. Feature Requests: Feedback on desired features and functionalities that would enhance their experience.
  3. Accessibility Requirements: Input on accessibility features to ensure the application is inclusive.

Admin Users:

  1. Data Management Requirements: Input on how they need to manage user data, access controls, and perform administrative tasks.
  2. Reporting Needs: Feedback on the types of reports and analytics tools they require for monitoring and decision-making.
  3. Security Concerns: Input on security measures and concerns related to data management and user access.

Regulatory Bodies:

  1. Compliance Requirements: Input on legal and regulatory requirements that the application must adhere to, especially concerning user data and privacy.
  2. Audit Trail Specifications: Requirements for maintaining and providing audit trails to ensure compliance.

IT and Security Teams:

  1. Security Requirements: Input on encryption standards, authentication mechanisms, and other security measures.
  2. Integration Needs: Requirements for integrating the application with existing systems and security protocols.

Operations Teams:

  1. Scalability Requirements: Input on expected growth and scalability needs for the system.
  2. Uptime and Reliability: Input on the acceptable downtime and reliability expectations.

Marketing and Sales Teams:

  1. User Acquisition Features: Input on features that might attract new users to the platform.
  2. Promotional Capabilities: Requirements for promotional offers, discounts, or referral programs.

Finance Teams:

  1. Transaction Handling: Input on how financial transactions will be managed, including any specific accounting requirements.
  2. Billing and Invoicing: Requirements for billing cycles, invoicing features, and financial reporting.

Customer Support:

  1. User Support Tools: Input on the tools and features needed for efficient customer support.
  2. Feedback Mechanisms: Requirements for collecting user feedback and addressing support issues.

Environmental and Energy Regulatory Bodies:

  1. Energy Consumption Monitoring: Input on features related to monitoring and managing energy consumption.

External Vendors or Partners:

  1. Integration Requirements: Input on how the application should interact with external systems or devices.
  2. API Standards: Requirements for APIs and data exchange protocols.

Engaging stakeholders early and throughout the development process helps ensure that the application meets the needs and expectations of all parties involved. Regular communication and feedback loops are essential to address any evolving requirements or concerns.

Mzeey commented 5 months ago

Okay cool, thanks, i will share a folder which we will, save all these, so that we can have immediate access to the files and for better organisation.