mzhilyaev / s2w

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Clarify logic of pledge/revoke and rolling interval vs. current month #21

Open mzhilyaev opened 10 years ago

mzhilyaev commented 10 years ago

We currently have unclear logic around few aspects of s2w functions.

  1. Pledge/Unpledge/Revoke

We would like a user to see how sites look if he pledges We also like a user to switch back to unpledged state if he is not satisfied However, with pledge/revoke this would require introduction of an extra "TEST" function, that will further complicate UI.

We could simply get rid of revoke notion, and allow user to pledge/unpledge sites at his convenience. Then the site relative pledge is computed based on visits to the site while it was in Pledged state. Alternatively, we may not expose "TEST" function at all and retain "revoke" notion, which unpledges a site upon end of month.

  1. The dash bard should show a bar with pledge % to each site pledged How is this interval chosen:
  2. rolling month
  3. current month

The rolling month always shows the same outlook, but does not correspond to our site payment logic. However it could be more understandable to a user. The rolling month notion will make it hard to show how revocation affects site pledges The current month does well with notion of revocation, but the picture presented to user changes drastically between the last and the first day of the month.

Note that on the last day of the month both graphs will be identical.

My inclinations are:

jbpiacentino commented 10 years ago

-- This is a status update --

Aaron suggested that we consider a fully automated UX, ie no pledging (or auto-pledging). We are discussing the implication and it looks very promising, both from a user and publisher standpoint. As a consequence, the pledge/revoke discussion may become irrelevant.

Also discussed what should be displayed in the dashboard. Under the new perspective, the pledged site list is not needed (or provides little add'l information). We could display a chart, probably reflecting the Kitty spread, ie how much (in %?) I have given to this site. I am leaning towards this idea rather than a chart showing my web activity. The shown period could either be monthly or accumulated - no decision.