mziech / nextcloud-calendar-news

A Nextcloud app to send a frequent newsletter e-mail based on calendar entries
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
8 stars 4 forks source link

RSS Backend #4

Open idnovic opened 1 year ago

idnovic commented 1 year ago

Awesome plugin!

You can install a newsreader (rss) inside nextcloud.

Would it be possible to add a rss backend? I would like to send news for events and announcements.

Announcements are provided by an external application (admidio). And downloadable via rss.

Basically I would like a feature that displays rss entries the same way this plugin displays calendar entries.

If it is feasible, the rss backend could directly access rss feeds or get them via the newsreader app for nextcloud. The later option sounds good.

mziech commented 1 year ago

Hi @idnovic, thanks for your input! I like the idea and may even need it for my own use-case at some point. It should be feasible, I don't think I have the capacity to implement it at the moment, though.