mzschunke / NBA-Geek

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Player statistics page #15

Open mzschunke opened 1 year ago

mzschunke commented 1 year ago

Value proposition

As a [basketball fan] I want to [see statistics for any NBA player] in order to [judge their performances.]



Acceptance criteria


Size: M

MerleMak commented 1 year ago

Hi Moritz, Where exactly are you getting the data from? Where will you be saving this data? in a state? Be more specific in your Tasks :)

Are you sure you want to use a dropdown for the players? I imagine it will be a lot of players, maybe it makes sence to use a searchbar instead where the user can type the first letters of the name of the player.

Other than that this looks really nice! Good job!

mzschunke commented 1 year ago

Hi Merle! Thank you for your quick feedback!

I've fetched the data from a public API, which I've described in previous user stories and thus thought it would be obsolete.

Your assumption that there are a lot of players is correct. However, I prefer to have a dropdown menu here for the moment (you can still search for the first few letters) - I might change that at a later point for convenience. :)