mzur / gnome-shell-wsmatrix

GNOME shell extension to arrange workspaces in a two-dimensional grid with workspace thumbnails
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Workspace switcher popup is slow and inconsistent in GNOME 40? #193

Closed humanplayer2 closed 2 years ago

humanplayer2 commented 2 years ago

I just updated from GNOME 3.38 to GNOME 40 by updating Pop!_OS from 21.04 to 21.10.

Under 3.38, the workspace popup was smooth as butter, and super consistent. Under 40, I see:

I've tried disabling the Pop! extensions, but that didn't make a difference.

I've uploaded a short clip here showing both behaviors.

ebeem commented 2 years ago

Thanks for providing a clip for the issue! this makes it much easier to understand your problem. I think this was reported a lot and now I started realizing what the issue is better.

can you please help me confirm this solution? replace the content of the file workspaceSwitcherPopup.js with this code below and let me know if it makes it better for you.

const {Clutter, GLib, GObject, Meta, St} =;
const SwitcherPopup = imports.ui.switcherPopup;
const Main = imports.ui.main;

const Self = imports.misc.extensionUtils.getCurrentExtension();
const WorkspaceThumbnail = Self.imports.workspacePopup.workspaceThumbnail;
const WorkspaceSwitcherPopupList = Self.imports.workspacePopup.workspaceSwitcherPopupList;

var modals = [];

function primaryModifier(mask) {
    if (mask == 0)
        return 0;

    let primary = 1;
    while (mask > 1) {
        mask >>= 1;
        primary <<= 1;
    return primary;

var WorkspaceSwitcherPopup = GObject.registerClass(
class WorkspaceSwitcherPopup extends SwitcherPopup.SwitcherPopup {
    _init(options, wm) {
        this._monitorIndex = options.monitorIndex;
        this._monitor = Main.layoutManager.monitors[this._monitorIndex];
        this._scale = options.scale;
        this._popupTimeout = options.popupTimeout;
        this._enablePopupWorkspaceHover = options.enablePopupWorkspaceHover;
        this._wm = wm;
        this._toggle = options.toggle || false;
        this._items = this._createThumbnails();
        this._switcherList = new WorkspaceSwitcherPopupList.WorkspaceSwitcherPopupList(this._items, this._createLabels(), options);
        this._overviewKeybindingActions = options.overveiwKeybindingActions;

        // Initially disable hover so we ignore the enter-event if
        // the switcher appears underneath the current pointer location

    _createThumbnails() {
        let thumbnails = [];
        let workspaceManager = global.workspace_manager;

        for (let i = 0; i < workspaceManager.n_workspaces; i++) {
            let workspace = workspaceManager.get_workspace_by_index(i);
            let thumbnail = new WorkspaceThumbnail.WorkspaceThumbnail(workspace, this._monitorIndex)

        return thumbnails;

    _createLabels() {
        let labels = [];
        let workspaceManager = global.workspace_manager;

        for (let i = 0; i < workspaceManager.n_workspaces; i++) {
            let label = Meta.prefs_get_workspace_name(i);

        return labels;

    // initial selection of workspace in the popup, if not implemented, a movement to current workspace will occur everytime the popup shows up
    _initialSelection(backward, _binding) {
        let workspaceManager = global.workspace_manager;

    // select next workspace (used while scrolling the switcher popup with the mouse wheel)
    _next() {
        let workspaceManager = global.workspace_manager;
        return Math.min(workspaceManager.get_active_workspace_index() + 1, workspaceManager.n_workspaces - 1);

    // select previous workspace (used while scrolling the switcher popup with the mouse wheel)
    _previous() {
        let workspaceManager = global.workspace_manager;
        return Math.max(workspaceManager.get_active_workspace_index() - 1, 0);

    // on workspace selected (in switcher popup)
    _select(num) {
        this.selectedIndex = num;

        // on item selected, switch/move to the workspace
        let workspaceManager = global.workspace_manager;
        let wm = Main.wm;
        let newWs = workspaceManager.get_workspace_by_index(this.selectedIndex);

    _itemEnteredHandler(n) {
        if (this._enablePopupWorkspaceHover) {

    showToggle(backward, binding, mask, toggle) {
        if (this._noModsTimeoutId !== 0) {
            this._noModsTimeoutId = 0;

        if (this._popupTimeout > 0 && !this._toggle) {
            this._noModsTimeoutId = GLib.timeout_add(GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT, this._popupTimeout + 150, this._finish.bind(this));

        this._toggle = toggle;
        if (this._popupTimeout > 0 || this._toggle) {
            mask = 0

        if (, binding, mask)){

    show(backward, binding, mask) {
        if (this._items.length == 0)
            return false;

        if (!Main.pushModal(this)) {
            // Probably someone else has a pointer grab, try again with keyboard only
            if (!Main.pushModal(this, { options: Meta.ModalOptions.POINTER_ALREADY_GRABBED }))
                return false;
        this._haveModal = true;
        this._modifierMask = primaryModifier(mask);

        this._switcherList.connect('item-activated', this._itemActivated.bind(this));
        this._switcherList.connect('item-entered', this._itemEntered.bind(this));
        this._switcherList.connect('item-removed', this._itemRemoved.bind(this));

        this.visible = true;
        this._initialSelection(backward, binding);

        // There's a race condition; if the user released Alt before
        // we got the grab, then we won't be notified. (See
        // for
        // details.) So we check now. (Have to do this after updating
        // selection.)
        if (this._modifierMask) {
            let [x_, y_, mods] = global.get_pointer();
            if (!(mods & this._modifierMask)) {
                return true;
        } else {

        return true;

    _resetNoModsTimeout() {
        // Disable this function so the custom timeout works.

    resetTimeout() {
        modals.filter(m => m).forEach(m => {
            if (m._noModsTimeoutId !== 0) {
                m._noModsTimeoutId = 0;

        if (this._popupTimeout > 0 && !this._toggle) {
            this._noModsTimeoutId = GLib.timeout_add(GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT, this._popupTimeout, this._finish.bind(this));

    _keyPressHandler(_keysym, _action) {
        if (this._toggle) {
            for (var key in this._overviewKeybindingActions) {
                if (this._overviewKeybindingActions[key] === _action) {
                    switch (key) {
                        case 'right':
                        case 'left':
                        case 'up':
                        case 'down':
                        case 'confirm':

                    return Clutter.EVENT_STOP;

        for (var key in Meta.KeyBindingAction) {
            let value = Meta.KeyBindingAction[key];
            if (value == _action) {
                key = key.toLowerCase();
                if (key.startsWith('workspace_')) {
                    key = 'switch-to-workspace-' + key.replace('workspace_', '');

                if (key.startsWith('move_to_workspace_')) {
                    key = 'move-to-workspace-' + key.replace('move_to_workspace_', '');

                this._wm._showWorkspaceSwitcher(global.display, global.display.focus_window, key);

        return Clutter.EVENT_PROPAGATE;

    _finish(_timestamp) {
        while (modals.length > 0) {

    _onDestroy() {
        while (modals.length > 0) {

    vfunc_allocate(box) {
        let childBox = new Clutter.ActorBox();

        let leftPadding = this.get_theme_node().get_padding(St.Side.LEFT);
        let rightPadding = this.get_theme_node().get_padding(St.Side.RIGHT);
        let hPadding = leftPadding + rightPadding;

        // Allocate the switcherList
        // We select a size based on an icon size that does not overflow the screen
        let [, childNaturalHeight] = this._switcherList.get_preferred_height(this._monitor.width - hPadding);
        let [, childNaturalWidth] = this._switcherList.get_preferred_width(childNaturalHeight);
        childBox.x1 = Math.max(this._monitor.x + leftPadding, this._monitor.x + Math.floor((this._monitor.width - childNaturalWidth) / 2));
        childBox.x2 = Math.min(this._monitor.x + this._monitor.width - rightPadding, childBox.x1 + childNaturalWidth);
        childBox.y1 = this._monitor.y + Math.floor((this._monitor.height - childNaturalHeight) / 2);
        childBox.y2 = childBox.y1 + childNaturalHeight;
ebeem commented 2 years ago

btw, regarding that it doesn't show sometimes, sometimes the option time to show the popup (ms) which you can see in the extension's preferences is the reason. Try to change that to a larger number (like 600) and see if it improves the popup. You can also set it to 0 which will cause to the popup to disappear upon releasing the modifier keys (usually Ctrl+Alt).

If this helps you solve the problem, please let me know so I try to fix it in the code.

humanplayer2 commented 2 years ago

Yes, thank you! To me, that code feels like it solves the slow popup issue!

About the missing popup, then increasing the popup timer made me not be able to provoke the issue. Before I had 200 ms, which made the popup stay open long enough to seem persistent when I switched more than one workspace, but also not linger when switching was done. Perhaps my keypress interval just happened to fit with some fadeout timing or something?

I've settled for the 0 ms option. I didn't know that existed, and it's a very nice behaviour! Thank you!

ebeem commented 2 years ago

@humanplayer2 Yup, you nailed it with your analysis there about the fade actually! And this 0 ms feature was added recently in GNOME 40 we probably need to document it better to make it more visible. Thanks for your feedback, I will create a pull request and merge the fix soon.

humanplayer2 commented 2 years ago

@ebeem that was the least I could do! Thank you for fixing the issue and keeping my GNOME workflow working!