mzur / gnome-shell-wsmatrix

GNOME shell extension to arrange workspaces in a two-dimensional grid with workspace thumbnails
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Fix hiding of popup with timeout=0 #219

Closed mzur closed 2 years ago

mzur commented 2 years ago

Previously the popup stayed on the screen as long as you kept CTRL+ALT pressed. Now, you either have to confirm the workspace selection with enter or set up a timeout for it to disappear. (reported here:

Apparently this is because of a missing event (see:

ElijahLynn commented 2 years ago

Thank you for putting this up here, just came here to open an issue for this! I thought I already had a timeout set for it but will investigate!

ebeem commented 2 years ago

fixed for me after upgrading to GNOME Shell 42.1 It will be great if someone can upgrade and confirm

ElijahLynn commented 2 years ago

fixed for me after upgrading to GNOME Shell 42.1 It will be great if someone can upgrade and confirm

Confirmed. I just updated from Gnome 42.0 to 42.1 and did an alt + F2 then typed r then enter and the popup is now working the way it used to on Gnome 41, appearing to respect my previous timeout I had set!

mzur commented 2 years ago

This is resolved then. Thanks for testing!

ElijahLynn commented 2 years ago

I just switched to Wayland from X11 and the pop up doesn't close automatically anymore.


humanplayer2 commented 2 years ago

I'm on GNOME 42.1 on two machines, both with Workspace Matrix v. 34. Both I recently updated from GNOME 41 and a previous extension version. -- On my Wayland laptop, never had the issue. -- On my X11 desktop, I had the issue, found this issue, changed the time-out to 500ms, and when I now tried to duplicate the problem, it doesn't appear (with time-out again set to 0 ms).

If it matters, then on both machines, I use Meta for all workspace changes, and am on Pop!_OS 22.04. If I can supply other info, then please tag me.

mzur commented 2 years ago

So does anyone still experience this issue?

humanplayer2 commented 2 years ago

Super erratically. I experience it once in a when changing workspaces and dragging files with me (i.e., keeping LMB down). It just happened while writing this. To check if I was on Wayland or X, I tried to restart X (Alt + F2, r), which told me I'm in X, now. After restarting, I cannot get the popup to stick again. I'll gladly open a new issue if I find a way to consistently duplicate the behavior.

mzur commented 2 years ago

Ok, thanks!