mzweilin / EvadeML-Zoo

Benchmarking and Visualization Tool for Adversarial Machine Learning
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How to reproduce the ImageNet results #8

Open Gabriele91 opened 3 years ago

Gabriele91 commented 3 years ago

Dear Mzweilin, First of all, thank you for your incredible work.

Anyway, I got some trouble to reproduce the paper results. More precisely, I tried to reproduce the ImageNet results (FGSM attack). So, I used the ImageNet validation set, with the same paper setting for the FQ detection:

So, I got ~23% as attack detection rate (instead of ~43%). Why this result with respect to paper result is so different?

In order to help you, and then figure out what I did, I report the input command line along with output.


pipenv run python --dataset_name ImageNet --model_name MobileNet --attacks "fgsm?eps=0.0078;" --detection 


Running attack: fgsm {'eps': 0.0078}
Loading adversarial examples from [ImageNet_100_6cf69_mobilenet_fgsm?eps=0.0078.pickle].

---Attack (uint8): fgsm?eps=0.0078 Success rate: 99.00%, Mean confidence of SAEs: 99.47%

Statistics of the SAEs:

L2 dist: 3.0134, Li dist: 0.0078, L0 dist_value: 98.5%, L0 dist_pixel: 99.4% ===Adversarial image examples are saved in results/ImageNet_100_6cf69_mobilenet/ImageNet_100_6cf69_mobilenet_attacks_0b2d7_examples.png Loaded an existing detection dataset. Loaded a pre-defined threshold value 1.212800 Detector: FeatureSqueezing?squeezers=bit_depth_5,median_filter_2_2,non_local_means_color_11_3_4&distance_measure=l1&threshold=1.2128 Accuracy: 0.570000 TPR: 0.224490 FPR: 0.098039 ROC-AUC: 0.692677 Detection rate on SAEs: 0.2292 11/ 48 fgsm?eps=0.0078 Overall detection rate on SAEs: 0.229167 (11/48)

Excluding FAEs:

Overall TPR: 0.229167 ROC-AUC: 0.688725 Overall detection rate on FAEs: 0.0000 0/ 1`

As you can see, I also got 57% as accuracy.
Do I have to calculate the attack rate on 57%? (e.g.  23 * 100/57 ~= 40%)

Did I make some mistake (in the command line)? 
And/or is my last assumption right?

mzweilin commented 3 years ago

Hi @Gabriele91 , thanks for your interest in our work.

We have made a detailed guideline to reproduce the results in the paper:

Gabriele91 commented 3 years ago

Hi @Gabriele91 , thanks for your interest in our work.

We have made a detailed guideline to reproduce the results in the paper:

Thx u for your answer. I followed your guide and your code worked fine, but I got 25% of the attack detection rate (TPR), 57% of accuracy (is it model 'accuracy' on the dataset with squeezers?), and a threshold 1.149.

In short, the issue is: I got different results with respect to your paper.

So, my question is: Why? Did I make a mistake?
Where is my mistake? How I have to read the application output?

Do I have to compute the TPR on the model accuracy? (aka 25 * (100/57) ~= 43%, which is similar to the paper result, table 4).

mzweilin commented 3 years ago

Hi @Gabriele91 , the code we provided should generate exactly the same results, as we had verified three years ago before releasing the instructions.

Please note that our code has a lot of dependencies on other packages, as stated in requirements_cpu.txt or requirements_gpu.txt. Unfortunately, we didn't have the exact version number of all packages. You may date back to the release date of those files and fetch the latest packages from pip at that time.

Gabriele91 commented 3 years ago

I used TensorFlow 1.14 and Keras 2.0.1, thus, I'm going to use Keras 2.0.0 and TensorFlow 1.3 (2017). Anyway, which is the corresponding program output value with respect to your paper? I guess it's the TPR value (or Detection rate on SAEs), is it right?

Thx u for your time and your tips. Any suggestions will be appreciated.

aqiu66 commented 1 year ago

Hello @Gabriele91 , in the file models/ the author uesd the package "densenet", but i couldn't find the suitable package. So can you send me the link of the package "densenet" that you used when you reproduce the result? Thank you very much.