Android app. Score Counter will help you easily keep score in any games, sports or other activities. Will do all the math for tracking initiative, HP, hit points, spell slots or even count win streaks in your bar game night!
Some games have time limits on rounds or on general per player, integrating a timer feature similar to the counters would probably be nice.
Basically one could add timers (just like counters) and instead of counting points you could start/stop them by clicking on them and they would just count up. Maybe long klick to reset.
Just an idea, dont currently have time for it but thing this would be interesting.
Some games have time limits on rounds or on general per player, integrating a timer feature similar to the counters would probably be nice.
Basically one could add timers (just like counters) and instead of counting points you could start/stop them by clicking on them and they would just count up. Maybe long klick to reset.
Just an idea, dont currently have time for it but thing this would be interesting.