Closed madskjeldgaard closed 2 months ago
You can play midi from any Fosc component or selection by accessing its pattern.
a = FoscMusicMaker().(durations: [1/16], pitches: (60..72)); m = MIDIOut(0); p = Pbindf(a.pattern, \type, 'midi', \midiout, m, \midicmd, 'noteOn');;
You can also access the eventList of any Fosc component or selection, which could then be used with MIDIFile libraries (e.g. SimpleMidiFile:
a = FoscMusicMaker().(durations: [1/16], pitches: (60..72)); a.eventList.printAll;
Generating a midi file using lilypond is a bit more clunky, but it's possible. You'd need to add a 'midi' block to the FoscLilyPondFile, and then add some dummy content to the 'midi' block (empty blocks don't get written to the file).
a = FoscMusicMaker().(durations: [1/16], pitches: (60..72)); b = FoscStaff([a]); f = FoscLilyPondFile(b); c = FoscBlock('midi'); c.items.add(FoscLilyPondLiteral("")); f.scoreBlock.items.add(c); p = "~/".standardizePath; f.writeLY(p); FoscIOManager.runLilypond(p);
It would be awesome if Fosc could convert the ly files to midi. An easy way of doing this initially would be to add a
midi {}
section to the output lilypond file, and then let lilypond create it on compile.Thanks <3