n-murphy / docker-soapui

SoapUI in Docker
MIT License
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Investigate replacing novnc with webtop #4

Open n-murphy opened 2 years ago

n-murphy commented 2 years ago

webtop from linuxserver.io looks like it might be an excellent fit for SoapUI in Docker. Would be interesting to see if I can get SoapUI running successfully in webtop.

n-murphy commented 2 years ago

Used docker compose to start an instance of lscr.io/linuxserver/webtop:ubuntu-mate and manually installed SoapUI 5.7.0 and also successfully configured its autostart on user login. The next step will be to build an image based on the webtop:ubuntu-mate one that includes the SoapUI 5.7.0 installation and autostart configuration.

SoapUI 5.7.0.desktop file sample

#!/usr/bin/env xdg-open
[Desktop Entry]
Name=SoapUI 5.7.0
Exec="/config/SmartBear/SoapUI-5.7.0/bin/SoapUI-5.7.0"  %U
Comment=Install Desktop ShortCut

This file needs to be placed in the users (abc in this case) ~/.config/autostart directory.

Below is what the file looks like if configured via the Start Application Preferences UI

[Desktop Entry]
Name[C]=SoapUI 5.7.0
Name=SoapUI 5.7.0
Comment[C]=SoapUI 5.7.0
Comment=SoapUI 5.7.0