n-riesco / ijavascript

IJavascript is a javascript kernel for the Jupyter notebook
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[DISCUSS] option for ignoring const and let #117

Open slavaGanzin opened 7 years ago

slavaGanzin commented 7 years ago

Hello, Nicolas.

May I suggest to add argument to kernel which cut const and let keywords before processing code. In hydrogen it's really annoying to get: Identifier is already declared while you experimenting with code.

I can make PR

n-riesco commented 7 years ago

Here are some quick thoughts:

Should we open this issue in node's repository?

I guess, what you have in mind is to have a flag so that const and let expressions are replaced by var expressions (only if they appear in the global scope).

Since IJavascript is providing access to node REPL sessions, I think the place to implement this change is in node's REPL. See:

$ node
> const x=1
> const x=2
TypeError: Identifier 'x' has already been declared
    at repl:1:1
    at REPLServer.defaultEval (repl.js:252:27)
    at bound (domain.js:287:14)
    at REPLServer.runBound [as eval] (domain.js:300:12)
    at REPLServer.<anonymous> (repl.js:417:12)
    at emitOne (events.js:82:20)
    at REPLServer.emit (events.js:169:7)
    at REPLServer.Interface._onLine (readline.js:210:10)
    at REPLServer.Interface._line (readline.js:549:8)
    at REPLServer.Interface._ttyWrite (readline.js:826:14)

If not, should we use a parser?

What did you have in mind for a PR?

I reckon a PR like this would require a Javascript parser. I think a parser would be too heavy a dependency for just an optional feature.

How about IJavascript introducing optional plugins?

I'm thinking of a flag similar to the current --ijs-startup-script=path; something like --ijs-plugin=plugin, where plugin would be the name of an npm module that exports things like the transpile function used by jp-kernel.

n-riesco commented 7 years ago

Some difficulties:

And some notes to myself:

slavaGanzin commented 7 years ago

IMHO. It's hard to communicate with Node's core. Because "they knows better"

Parser would be an overkill.

Adding plugins is a great idea. But they maybe an overkill too.

As an idea:

--ijs-transform-in='in => in.replace(/\bconst\b/, '')'

I think const/let elimination should be experimental feature. If you use it you should be aware of consequences. "Provided as is" And I think regex like ^const|let\s+\w+\s*= would be acceptable heuristics. Not the best one, but acceptable

n-riesco commented 7 years ago

What would be the difference between --ijs-transform-in and --ijs-transform-out? You'd like to transform the output MIME bundle?

slavaGanzin commented 7 years ago

You'd like to transform the output MIME bundle?

MIME... It would be to complicated. Let's forget this

ericuldall commented 6 years ago

This definitely doesn't behave as expected. I would expect it to run similar to calling node test.js each time I run my script. I'm currently working with this kernel in Hydrogen for the atom editor.

Is there some way to run the script like new, clearing previous memory, when I make changes to variables?

rgbkrk commented 6 years ago

You have to use "Hydrogen: Restart Kernel" to restart your session. There is another builtin command in Hydrogen called "Hydrogen: Restart Kernel and Re Evaluate Bubbles" which will restart and then run each of the lines or blocks you've done previously as individuals chunks of code. At least for me, I have these two in my keymap:

   'cmd-enter': 'hydrogen:run'
   'cmd-b': 'hydrogen:restart-kernel-and-re-evaluate-bubbles'
Bamieh commented 6 years ago

I would solve this issue like this:

  1. replace the following line of code:


  1. Check for first error

If the code errors out, parse the error to check for this pattern:

SyntaxError: Identifier '*' has already been declared

if this pattern matches, create a new context to be used across the current session, and run the code again, any error created afterwards is propagated to the user.

function createContext() {
  const sandbox = {
    // ...other ijavascript-y needed context
  sandbox.global = sandbox;
  return sandbox;

try {
} catch(e) {
   if(DOUBLE_DECL_PATTERN.test(e.message)) {
      currentContext = vm.createContext(createContext());
      return ContextifyScript.Script.runInContext(currentContext);
   throw e

I have not looked into the ijavascript code yet, but I am hoping to get some feedback on this before I do so.

n-riesco commented 6 years ago

@Bamieh At the very beginning of IJavascript, I experimented with runInContext, but I ruled it out because this approach is riddled with issues, e.g.:

[] instanceof Array // true

vm.runInContext("[] instanceof Array", vm.createContext({Array})); // false

Another difficulty with this idea of recreating the context is that the state of previous context would be lost.

The way I see this issue is that IJavascript is an enriched REPL for Node.js and it aims at behaving the same way Node.js's REPL does.

When I use IJavascript as a REPL, I prefer to use var to define variables in the global context, and let and const inside functions.

When I use IJavascript to run a a script, then the normal rules for const and let apply, and this isn't an issue.

Picking up @rgbkrk 's suggestion and your idea, I could implement $$.restart() to trigger a kernel restart (so that the user wouldn't have to do the same by other means).

Bamieh commented 6 years ago

@n-riesco why would you pass Array to the new context 🤔 , it gives false because the Array you passed is pointing to a different location in memory than the one created by [] since both run in a different v8 contexts. By not passing Array, this will evaluate to true as it should. The createContext I provided is valid for production uses.

To solve the previous context issue, we just track added objects on the global (observers or manually) and propagate them in the new context.

Implementing a restart is not a good idea imo, since it might break other code blocks depending on previous code. If the code is to be run in an isolated scope, anyone can write this:

const ..

blocks_are_the_new_iffe 😆

n-riesco commented 6 years ago

@Bamieh I'm moving the discussion to https://github.com/n-riesco/nel/issues/9