n0099 / tbclient.protobuf

从 244 个历史版本百度贴吧客户端中提取出的所有 Protocol Buffers 定义文件 `.proto`
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另外,图片出问题了,还是老毛病,图片没有被引用 #5

Open ACGtutusang opened 1 year ago

ACGtutusang commented 1 year ago

image 能修就修一下吧,大过年的,让我过个好年

ACGtutusang commented 1 year ago


ACGtutusang commented 1 year ago


ACGtutusang commented 1 year ago

补充2:1.31下午3点,图片恢复,但文章封面仍然无法显示,进入文章后,图片可以查看,仅封面无法显示 @n0099

ACGtutusang commented 1 year ago

补充3: 2.1号,上传图片再次出现封面图无法显示的问题 image 但进入文章后可显示 image 希望能解决

ACGtutusang commented 1 year ago

@n0099 希望能解决

ACGtutusang commented 1 year ago

补充:2月3日,晚18点58 站内编辑功能,出现以下横幅: image 并且,游戏卡片模板内部分文字,变为英文; 预设文本状态回到了几个月之前的那种情况,无法按住ctrl进行拖动多选 文件大小无法填写MB以外的两个英文字母: image 另外; 通过邮件得知以下报错信息 image

希望您能解决 @n0099

ACGtutusang commented 1 year ago

image 网站502了。 希望能够加急解决 @n0099

ACGtutusang commented 1 year ago

补充:2/4日 网站搜索:同级生,会出现以下情况,暂时只发现这一个关键词会触发此BUG image

ACGtutusang commented 1 year ago


ACGtutusang commented 1 year ago

补充:2/4日6点56 ZUL里的syzxbot疑似失效了

ACGtutusang commented 1 year ago

补充:2/5日 游戏下载卡片,游戏大小,所有文章的游戏大小,都无法显示,希望解决 image @n0099

ACGtutusang commented 1 year ago

补充:2/6日 站内下载卡片的链接,全部无法进行复制了,点击后没反应 由于此BUG较为严重,希望能加急解决 @n0099

ACGtutusang commented 1 year ago


ACGtutusang commented 1 year ago


ACGtutusang commented 1 year ago

补充:2/11日 站内部分文章再次出现封面无法加载的情况,文章内图片正常显示 image


ACGtutusang commented 1 year ago

补充:2/12日 站内评论,回复别人的评论,会报错 image 此BUG较为严重,希望能加急修复 @n0099

ACGtutusang commented 1 year ago


ACGtutusang commented 1 year ago

补充:上次的评论后,会报错400的情况,再次出现,希望能够彻底修复这个BUG 该BUG较为严重,希望加急处理 @n0099

ACGtutusang commented 1 year ago

截至2/16日,评论报错400的BUG仍未修复,该BUG影响较为严重,希望能够着重处理 @n0099

ACGtutusang commented 1 year ago

补充:2/23日,站内图片,再次出现无法加载的情况 image 希望能尽快解决 @n0099

ACGtutusang commented 1 year ago

补充:2/26日 站内评论后报错400的情况,仍然存在 由于此BUG影响太过严重,希望能够妥善加急修复 @n0099

ACGtutusang commented 1 year ago

@n0099 image 网站挂了!希望能加急处理!

ACGtutusang commented 1 year ago

19:48分,网站再次无法访问 @n0099 image

ACGtutusang commented 1 year ago

@n0099 what are you doing?

ACGtutusang commented 1 year ago

@n0099 There is a problem with the search function of the website. Error 502 will be reported when searching for some titles. This problem is very serious and I hope it can be resolved quickly image

ACGtutusang commented 1 year ago

@n0099 After 2 hours of server downtime, this issue is still not resolved, this issue is serious, please fix it image image

ACGtutusang commented 1 year ago

@n0099 Just now, I changed some gadget settings in the website, and then the website can’t be accessed. I don’t know if it’s because of my operation problem. If so, please return him to the previous timeline image

ACGtutusang commented 1 year ago

@n0099 image Just now, this error occurred suddenly, which directly caused the website to be inaccessible. I hope to repair it as soon as possible

ACGtutusang commented 1 year ago

@n0099 I don't know if the server is unstable, or if you are operating something. Now the website will not be accessible for some time, but it will recover after a few minutes. Please let the server stabilize, please

ACGtutusang commented 1 year ago

@n0099 I guess that the error about the comment has something to do with this image This error loops every once in a while

ACGtutusang commented 1 year ago

@n0099 As of now, the comment function on the website is now in a state of being completely unable to leave a message. This state has lasted for 20 hours. Even after I cleared the cache, it still cannot be restored. This is a very serious accident, I hope you can pay attention to this problem and fix it urgently image

ACGtutusang commented 1 year ago

Repeat, this is a very serious incident and hopefully it will be resolved as soon as possible @n0099

ACGtutusang commented 1 year ago

@n0099 The website reported an error, and I hope it can be repaired as soon as possible. I noticed that v8, which is the same website as the server, can be accessed normally, which means that this error is directed to syzx.me alone image

ACGtutusang commented 1 year ago

Maybe the certificate is invalid again image

ACGtutusang commented 1 year ago

@n0099 image The certificate has expired, it's time to renew

ACGtutusang commented 1 year ago

@n0099 网站已持续两天无法进入,经过仔细排查,发现网站的ssl协议被删除了,我不知道您这么做的目的是什么,但这已经持续了2天,请您尽快恢复它!这是个严重的问题,这导致了所有电脑端的用户都无法访问syzx以及整台服务器所附属的网站均都无法被访问,我不明白一个ssl协议有什么您值得删除的意义,并且长达两天,需要提醒您的是,本月已经经历过数次的服务器停机或其他原因导致的网站无法被访问,这是个非常非常非常严重的问题,我们需要稳定维持运营下去,所以,是时候恢复了,请您重视这个问题。