We have enough people in our house that have their own individual television
show type preference that we make pretty heavy use of recording groups. We
also have (younger) children who watch TV.
The way we avoid the "one huge list" of television shows that everyone has to
wade through to find theirs is recording groups. When a show is being recorded
for the enjoyment of a single viewer, it gets put into their own recording
Additionally, given that we have (younger) children, we record all of the "past
8pm" programming into a "parents" recording group and password protect that so
that the kids cannot watch programming not suitable for them.
It would be really nice (a requirement for us to use XBMC in fact) to have
Myth's recording groups feature mapped into mythbox.
Original issue reported on code.google.com by brianjmu...@gmail.com on 20 Nov 2012 at 1:32
Original issue reported on code.google.com by
on 20 Nov 2012 at 1:32