n00badmin / mirage

Mirage is a Cacti plugin designed to mirror SNMP polling data to file.
MIT License
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Cacti - Quick Chart - Object name becomes index number #7

Closed netniV closed 5 years ago

netniV commented 6 years ago

If you select an item in each of the combo boxes, then change the hostnames combo box to a different host that also has the same KPI, the object combo box shows the ID of the previous selection.

eg, if you have the following:

Cacti Host: test1
Hostnames.: test-server1
KPI.......: hdd_used
Object....: test-server-1 - Used Space - Physical Memory

Then change it to test-server2, you will see

Cacti Host: test1
Hostnames.: test-server1
KPI.......: hdd_used
Object....: 251

Changing back reverts to showing the name as at the start. This is wrong for two reasons, One, it is the index number of the object on the previous host I suspect. Two, it should be cleared for new selection

n00badmin commented 6 years ago

Hey netniV, will have a look at this shortly.

I will be sure to create another repo for the Splunk app. This one is for the actual Cacti plugin.