n00mkrad / cupscale

Image Upscaling GUI based on ESRGAN
MIT License
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Make error message more verbose/specific. #113

Open Aw3som3Guy opened 2 years ago

Aw3som3Guy commented 2 years ago

Changing the error message you get when you try to run unsupported models on RealESRGAN from "This implementation only supports 4x models" to "The AI model you've selected only supports 4x models" or better yet "RealESRGAN exclusively supports 4x scale models".

The reason is when I first tried to run an 8x model, I had RealESRGAN selected and the way its currently phrased I took "this implementation" to mean Cupscale and not RealESRGAN, and the exclusively because I also assumed it meant supports up to 4x, even though I know it doesn't say that, this would simply be more explicit.