n00mkrad / cupscale

Image Upscaling GUI based on ESRGAN
MIT License
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Cant get the transparency feature to work properly #114

Open Randalmcdaniel opened 2 years ago

Randalmcdaniel commented 2 years ago

I dont use github so i dont really know if this is the correct spot to ask this. If its wrong i apologize

i have tried literally every option in cupscale, it only seems to retain transparency if i save the file as jpeg or png (i forget which, whichever one it defaults to).

The upscale seems to work but the mountains and trees all have black square bases

i tried differential alpha, seperate alpha, all the others. I even tried every compression format available DX1-DX5

I even downloaded ESRGAN models that said they were designed for DDS textures. No luck.

Im a noob but upscaling textures in games has been super easy with cupscale. Its just unfortunate i cant upscale any texture that has a transparency in it. I am desperate to know how to make it work.

so i googled it and google pretty much said upscaling transparency is impossible or something. Yet people have done it in other games so i know thats not right..

Any help would be appreciated. my recycle bin is filled with over 100 files of the same picture because i have tried literally every combination and setting in cupscale to get this to work without any luck

I even tried renaming the png file extension to DDS and it seemed to work but then the texture came out mutated when in the game

Thanks for reading

Randalmcdaniel commented 2 years ago

I found a solution. I just output as PNG. Then i open the picture in gimp and click save as DDS and everything works the way i hoped

VikMorroHun commented 1 year ago

Same problem here. Doesn't matter if I save the upscaled image in .PNG, doesn't matter which alpha mode I set in Cupscale settings - "background" will be full black, alpha channel will be 0xFF so every texture in the game will have ugly black background instead of transparent "nothing to see here".