n00mkrad / cupscale

Image Upscaling GUI based on ESRGAN
MIT License
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Scaling Causes Crash in 1.39.0f1 #122

Open DrPleaseRespect opened 2 years ago

DrPleaseRespect commented 2 years ago

Resizing causes a crash. There are no error messages. It just starts not responding and then quits

This crash does not occur in 1.38.0f1

SessionLog for 1.39.0f1 ``` 4-17-2022 22:57:31: Status changed: Preprocessing... 4-17-2022 22:57:31: [ImgUtils] Reading MagickImage from F:\AI Upscalers Image\Cupscale1.39.0f1\CupscaleData\img-in\mima.png [OK] 4-17-2022 22:57:31: [ImgProc] Preprocessing F:\AI Upscalers Image\Cupscale1.39.0f1\CupscaleData\img-in\mima.png - Fill Alpha: True 4-17-2022 22:57:31: [ImgProc] Color depth of mima.png is 24. 4-17-2022 22:57:32: [ImgProc] Deleting source file: F:\AI Upscalers Image\Cupscale1.39.0f1\CupscaleData\img-in\mima.png 4-17-2022 22:57:32: Status changed: Loading ESRGAN (Pytorch)... 4-17-2022 22:57:32: [CMD] /C cd /D "F:\AI Upscalers Image\Cupscale1.39.0f1\CupscaleData\bin\esrgan-pytorch" & python upscale.py --input "F:\AI Upscalers Image\Cupscale1.39.0f1\CupscaleData\img-in" --output "F:\AI Upscalers Image\Cupscale1.39.0f1\CupscaleData\img-out" --device_id 0 --alpha_mode 0 "F:\AI Upscalers Image\Cupscale1.39.0f1\Models\Anime\4x_NMKD-PatchySharp_100K.pth" 4-17-2022 22:57:34: Status changed: Upscaling... 4-17-2022 22:58:0: Status changed: Processing Tiles - 25% 4-17-2022 22:58:5: Status changed: Processing Tiles - 50% 4-17-2022 22:58:9: Status changed: Processing Tiles - 75% 4-17-2022 22:58:14: Status changed: Processing Tiles - 100% 4-17-2022 22:58:16: Status changed: Post-Processing... 4-17-2022 22:58:16: PostProc: Trimmed filename from 'mima.png.png' to 'mima.png' 4-17-2022 22:58:16: [ImgProc] Post-Processing mima.png to Png50, resize: True 4-17-2022 22:58:16: [ImgUtils] Reading MagickImage from F:\AI Upscalers Image\Cupscale1.39.0f1\CupscaleData\img-out\mima.png [OK] 4-17-2022 22:58:16: [ImgProc] Scaling to 50% with filter Mitchell... ... CRASH ... ```
SessionLog for 1.38.0f1 ``` ImgProc] Converting F:\AI Upscalers Image\Cupscale1.39.0f1\mima.png to PngRaw, DelSrc: False, Fill: True, Ext: UseNew [ImgProc] Color depth of mima.png is 24. [ImgProc] Written image to F:\AI Upscalers Image\Cupscale 1.38.0f1\CupscaleData\loaded-img\temp.png IsDirNcnnModel Exception: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: path. Defaulting to false. [ImgProc] Preprocessing F:\AI Upscalers Image\Cupscale 1.38.0f1\CupscaleData\img-in\mima.png - Fill Alpha: True [ImgProc] Color depth of mima.png is 24. [CMD] /C cd /D "F:\AI Upscalers Image\Cupscale 1.38.0f1\CupscaleData\bin\esrgan-pytorch" & python upscale.py --input "F:\AI Upscalers Image\Cupscale 1.38.0f1\CupscaleData\img-in" --output "F:\AI Upscalers Image\Cupscale 1.38.0f1\CupscaleData\img-out" --device_id 0 --alpha_mode 0 "F:\AI Upscalers Image\Cupscale1.39.0f1\Models\Anime\4x_NMKD-PatchySharp_100K.pth" [Python] Model: 4x_NMKD-PatchySharp_100K [Python] Upscaling... [Python] 1 mima.png.png [Python] Image loaded [Python] Reloading model - model_path: F:\AI Upscalers Image\Cupscale1.39.0f1\Models\Anime\4x_NMKD-PatchySharp_100K.pth - last_model: None [Python] Setting last_model to F:\AI Upscalers Image\Cupscale1.39.0f1\Models\Anime\4x_NMKD-PatchySharp_100K.pth [Python] Upscaling image... [Python] Tile 1/4 [Python] Tile 2/4 [Python] Tile 3/4 [Python] Tile 4/4 [Python] Image upscaled [Python] Writing image to F:\AI Upscalers Image\Cupscale 1.38.0f1\CupscaleData\img-out\mima.png.png PostProc: Trimmed filename from 'mima.png.png' to 'mima.png' [ImgProc] Post-Processing mima.png to Png50, resize: True [ImgSharp] Scaling to 50% with filter Mitchell... [ImgProc] ResizeImagePost: Resized using ImageSharp [ImgProc] Written image to F:\AI Upscalers Image\Cupscale 1.38.0f1\CupscaleData\img-out\mima.png FilenamePostprocess: Moving F:\AI Upscalers Image\Cupscale 1.38.0f1\CupscaleData\img-out\mima.png => F:\AI Upscalers Image\Cupscale 1.38.0f1\CupscaleData\img-out\mima-4x_NMKD-PatchySharp_100K.png Overwrite is off - keeping suffix. [IOUtils] Copying directory "F:\AI Upscalers Image\Cupscale 1.38.0f1\CupscaleData\img-out" to "F:\AI Upscalers Image\Cupscale1.39.0f1" (Move: False - RemoveFromName: ) ```


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DrPleaseRespect commented 2 years ago

This problem gets solved with my PR https://github.com/n00mkrad/cupscale/pull/129