n00mkrad / cupscale

Image Upscaling GUI based on ESRGAN
MIT License
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Batch Processing Working Sporadically #126

Closed XilaMonstrr closed 1 year ago

XilaMonstrr commented 2 years ago

New at cupscale and ESRGAN generally. I'm processing Skyrim dds files with a 4x ESRGAN model. I'm having issues getting the batch processing to work. Sometimes it works fine but most of the time it won't output images; I've gotten it to work on the same files and that it fails on another time. The logs don't have any specific errors that make sense to me, but maybe they do to someone else. Here's the settings I used as well (I've tried a few different options). failed log.txt failed log2.txt [failed log3.txt](https://github.com/n00 failed settings mkrad/cupscale/files/8744842/failed.log3.txt) .