n00mkrad / cupscale

Image Upscaling GUI based on ESRGAN
MIT License
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Resize before/after upscale #151

Open tsunami2311 opened 1 year ago

tsunami2311 commented 1 year ago

Resize after upscaling, dont work atlest for jpg?it, the resize of say 7680 down to 3840 50% only seem to work with PNG soon as i try it with JPG it just stays 7680

also dont seem to output anything but jpg and png selecting anything else just results in jpg out

tsunami2311 commented 1 year ago


apparntly its the same as this bug as disabling that and works but size get blown up. did notice some strangeness with this with output to jpg 800x600.jpg (enabled mozjpeg encoder) wont resize 800x600.jpg ( disabled mozjpeg encoder) will resize with bloat picture size 800x600.jpg (re enabled mozjpeg encorder) will resize correctly with the small picture size

1920x1080 (enabled mozjpeg encoder) wont resize 1920x1080 ( disabled mozjpeg encoder) will resize with bloat picture size 1920x1080 (re enabled mozjpeg encorder) wont resize.


So it seem to be picking and choosing what it will work with once re enabled. atlest from my tests