n00mkrad / text2image-gui

Somewhat modular text2image GUI, initially just for Stable Diffusion
GNU General Public License v3.0
921 stars 93 forks source link

App draw window keeps crashing #114

Open zahuranecs opened 1 year ago

zahuranecs commented 1 year ago

App draw window keeps crashing to a red X, am on version 1.12.0b4

My settings.ini:

StepsMax = 75    // x4 in advanced mode
ScaleMax = 25.0    // x2 in advanced mode
ResolutionMin = 512
ResolutionMax = 2048    // x2 in advanced mode
IterationsMax = 1000    // x10 in advanced mode
LoraMaxSteps = 1000
HiresFixMinimumDimensionMultiplier = 0.5    // 1.0 means that the resolution that hiresfix upscales from is never lower than 512 (or whatever the model is trained on) on the smaller side

Unhandled Thread Exception!

Parameter is not valid.

Stack Trace: at System.Drawing.Image.get_Width() at System.Drawing.Image.get_Size() at System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox.ImageRectangleFromSizeMode(PictureBoxSizeMode mode) at System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox.OnPaint(PaintEventArgs pe) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.PaintWithErrorHandling(PaintEventArgs e, Int16 layer) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmPaint(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)

(Message said to please report the issue to dev team) The crash happens consistently after generating a few images

My config.json:

  "ModelArchs": {},
  "CmdDebugMode": 0,
  "MultiPromptsSameSeed": true,
  "SamplerIdx": 0,
  "InitStrength": 0.2,
  "Steps": 20,
  "Scale": 8.0,
  "OutPath": "D:/AI ART/Images",
  "FavsPath": "D:/AI ART/Images/Favs",
  "Iterations": 15,
  "Model": "bb95FurryMix_v100.safetensors",
  "ModelAux": "",
  "ModelVae": "vae-ft-mse-840000-ema-pruned.ckpt",
  "EnablePromptHistory": true,
  "CodeformerFidelity": 0.2,
  "ResW": 1024,
  "ResH": 1536,
  "FullPrecision": false,
  "FolderPerPrompt": true,
  "FolderPerSession": false,
  "PromptInFilename": true,
  "SeedInFilename": true,
  "ScaleInFilename": true,
  "SamplerInFilename": true,
  "ModelInFilename": true,
  "FilenameIgnoreWildcards": true,
  "FaceRestoreStrength": 1.0,
  "FaceRestoreEnable": true,
  "FaceRestoreIdx": 0,
  "UpscaleEnable": true,
  "UpscaleIdx": 0,
  "UpscaleStrength": 1.0,
  "Implementation": "InvokeAi",
  "CudaDeviceIdx": 0,
  "AdvancedUi": false,
  "NotifyModeIdx": 3,
  "SaveUnprocessedImages": false,
  "UnloadModel": false,
  "CustomModelDirs": [],
  "CustomVaeDirs": [],
  "MotdShownVersion": "1.12.0b4",
  "HideMotd": false,
  "DisableModelFileValidation": false,
  "InvokeSequentialGuidance": false,
  "InvokeFreeGpuMem": false,
  "DisablePostProcessing": false,
  "InvokeAllowModelCaching": true,
  "EnableTokenizationLogging": false,
  "PopupSlideshowEnabledByDefault": false,
  "ConvertModelsDeleteInput": true,
  "AutoSetResForInitImg": true,
  "InitImageRetainAspectRatio": true,
  "HiresFix": true,
  "FilenameTimestampMode": "DateTime",
  "WildcardAllowEmptyEntries": true,
  "LogStdin": false,
  "OfflineMode": false,
  "SymmetryTimepoint": 0.9,
  "ClipSkip": 0,
  "LastInitImageParentPath": null,
  "InvokeAllowMod8": false,
  "EsrganTileSize": 1024,
  "EsrganDenoise": 0.0,
  "EmbeddingsDir": "Models\\Embeddings",
  "LorasDir": "D:\\AI ART\\SDGUI-1.11.0-NoMdl\\SDGUI\\Models\\LoRAs",
  "AutoDeleteImgs": false,
  "LoraWeights": {
    "crash41_24": [
    "DeathFRL22nO": [
    "KumatetsuFRL27nO": [
    "nikBadgerFromSmokeRoomV2_09": [
    "ursaring_07": [
  "LastTrainingBaseModel": "768-v-ema.ckpt",
  "LastLoraClipSkip": 0,
  "LastLoraTrainName": "",
  "LastLoraTrainTrigger": "",
  "LastLoraDataDir": "",
  "DontClearPipCache": false,
  "AlwaysClearInpaintMask": false,
  "ImageCacheMaxSizeMb": 128,
  "NmkdiffOffload": true,
  "NmkdiffSdXLSequential": false,
  "SdXlRefinerStrength": 0.0

Be sure to comment if you need more info as I've been trying many different things