n00mkrad / text2image-gui

Somewhat modular text2image GUI, initially just for Stable Diffusion
GNU General Public License v3.0
935 stars 95 forks source link

No Images generated #49

Open AndreHero007 opened 1 year ago

AndreHero007 commented 1 year ago

The "No Images Generated" error always appears when I use the "ONNX" option. My device: *RX 580 8GB

What I already tried and it didn't work:

I tried generating pictures with the "CUDA" options using just the CPU and it worked. So the "No Images Generated" only appears when I use ONNX. 1 2

caiocenlep commented 1 year ago

same here


[00003361] [12-23-2022 16:08:11] ExportLoop START [00003387] [12-23-2022 16:08:22] ExportLoop: Breaking. Process running: False - Any files exist: False [00003388] [12-23-2022 16:08:22] ExportLoop END [00003389] [12-23-2022 16:08:22] No images generated. [00003390] [12-23-2022 16:08:22] SetState(Standby) [00003391] [12-23-2022 16:08:33] cmd.exe /C cd /D "C:\SD-GUI-1.8.0\Data" && SET "PATH=./venv/Scripts;./py/Scripts;./py;./git/cmd;C:/Windows/system32;C:/Windows;C:/Windows/System32/Wbem;C:/Windows/System32/WindowsPowerShell/v1.0/;C:/Windows/System32/OpenSSH/;" && SET "TORCH_HOME=C:\SD-GUI-1.8.0\Data\cache\torch" && python repo/scripts/check_gpus.py

n00mkrad commented 1 year ago

Post your sd log files

caiocenlep commented 1 year ago

Post your sd log files

[00000021] [12-27-2022 13:39:21] 2 0 2 2 - 1 2 - 2 7 1 3 : 3 9 : 2 1 . 1 7 8 3 6 4 6 [ W : o n n x r u n t i m e : , i n f e r e n c e s e s s i o n . c c : 4 9 1 o n n x r u n t i m e : : I n f e r e n c e S e s s i o n : : R e g i s t e r E x e c u t i o n P r o v i d e r ] H a v i n g m e m o r y p a t t e r n e n a b l e d i s n o t s u p p o r t e d w h i l e u s i n g t h e D M L E x e c u t i o n P r o v i d e r . S o d i s a b l i n g i t f o r t h i s s e s s i o n s i n c e i t u s e s t h e D M L E x e c u t i o n P r o v i d e r . [00000022] [12-27-2022 13:39:22] 2 0 2 2 - 1 2 - 2 7 1 3 : 3 9 : 2 2 . 3 5 5 4 2 0 8 [ W : o n n x r u n t i m e : , s e s s i o n s t a t e . c c : 1 0 3 0 o n n x r u n t i m e : : V e r i f y E a c h N o d e I s A s s i g n e d T o A n E p ] S o m e n o d e s w e r e n o t a s s i g n e d t o t h e p r e f e r r e d e x e c u t i o n p r o v i d e r s w h i c h m a y o r m a y n o t h a v e a n n e g a t i v e i m p a c t o n p e r f o r m a n c e . e . g . O R T e x p l i c i t l y a s s i g n s s h a p e r e l a t e d o p s t o C P U t o i m p r o v e p e r f . [00000023] [12-27-2022 13:39:22] 2 0 2 2 - 1 2 - 2 7 1 3 : 3 9 : 2 2 . 3 5 5 7 8 6 7 [ W : o n n x r u n t i m e : , s e s s i o n s t a t e . c c : 1 0 3 2 o n n x r u n t i m e : : V e r i f y E a c h N o d e I s A s s i g n e d T o A n E p ] R e r u n n i n g w i t h v e r b o s e o u t p u t o n a n o n - m i n i m a l b u i l d w i l l s h o w n o d e a s s i g n m e n t s . [00000024] [12-27-2022 13:39:27] 2 0 2 2 - 1 2 - 2 7 1 3 : 3 9 : 2 7 . 0 5 5 4 8 1 0 [ E : o n n x r u n t i m e : , i n f e r e n c e s e s s i o n . c c : 1 5 0 0 o n n x r u n t i m e : : I n f e r e n c e S e s s i o n : : I n i t i a l i z e : : < l a m b d a d 6 7 c d e 1 8 8 9 1 e 9 d 3 1 1 7 3 9 1 6 2 a 2 b 4 a b a 6 d > : : o p e r a t o r ( ) ] E x c e p t i o n d u r i n g i n i t i a l i z a t i o n : D : \ a \ w o r k \ 1 \ s \ o n n x r u n t i m e \ c o r e \ p r o v i d e r s \ d m l \ D m l E x e c u t i o n P r o v i d e r \ s r c \ E x e c u t i o n P r o v i d e r . c p p ( 5 6 3 ) \ o n n x r u n t i m e p y b i n d 1 1 s t a t e . p y d ! 0 0 0 0 7 F F 8 A 9 D 3 8 B 0 1 : ( c a l l e r : 0 0 0 0 7 F F 8 A 9 D 3 8 8 A 2 ) E x c e p t i o n ( 2 ) t i d ( 2 9 2 0 ) 8 0 0 7 0 0 0 E R e c u r s o s d e m e m ýÿr i a i n s u f i c i e n t e s d i s p o n ýÿv e i s p a r a c o n c l u i r a o p e r a ýÿýÿo . [00000025] [12-27-2022 13:39:27]
[00000026] [12-27-2022 13:39:27]
[00000027] [12-27-2022 13:39:27] Traceback (most recent call last): [00000028] [12-27-2022 13:39:27] File "C:\SD-GUI-1.8.0\Data\repo\sd_onnx\sd_onnx.py", line 58, in [00000029] [12-27-2022 13:39:27] pipe = OnnxStableDiffusionPipeline.from_pretrained(opt.mdlpath, provider=prov, safety_checker=None) [00000030] [12-27-2022 13:39:27] File "C:\SD-GUI-1.8.0\Data\venv\lib\site-packages\diffusers\pipeline_utils.py", line 709, in from_pretrained [00000031] [12-27-2022 13:39:27] loaded_sub_model = load_method(os.path.join(cached_folder, name), **loading_kwargs) [00000032] [12-27-2022 13:39:27] File "C:\SD-GUI-1.8.0\Data\venv\lib\site-packages\diffusers\onnx_utils.py", line 206, in from_pretrained [00000033] [12-27-2022 13:39:27] return cls._from_pretrained( [00000034] [12-27-2022 13:39:27] File "C:\SD-GUI-1.8.0\Data\venv\lib\site-packages\diffusers\onnx_utils.py", line 173, in _from_pretrained [00000035] [12-27-2022 13:39:27] model = OnnxRuntimeModel.load_model( [00000036] [12-27-2022 13:39:27] File "C:\SD-GUI-1.8.0\Data\venv\lib\site-packages\diffusers\onnx_utils.py", line 78, in load_model [00000037] [12-27-2022 13:39:27] return ort.InferenceSession(path, providers=[provider], sess_options=sess_options) [00000038] [12-27-2022 13:39:27] File "C:\SD-GUI-1.8.0\Data\venv\lib\site-packages\onnxruntime\capi\onnxruntime_inference_collection.py", line 347, in init [00000039] [12-27-2022 13:39:27] self._create_inference_session(providers, provider_options, disabled_optimizers) [00000040] [12-27-2022 13:39:27] File "C:\SD-GUI-1.8.0\Data\venv\lib\site-packages\onnxruntime\capi\onnxruntime_inference_collection.py", line 395, in _create_inference_session [00000041] [12-27-2022 13:39:27] sess.initialize_session(providers, provider_options, disabled_optimizers) [00000042] [12-27-2022 13:39:27] onnxruntime.capi.onnxruntime_pybind11_state.RuntimeException

n00mkrad commented 1 year ago

What's your GPU? Might be too old or not have enough VRAM

caiocenlep commented 1 year ago

What's your GPU? Might be too old or not have enough VRAM

RX550 4GB

n00mkrad commented 1 year ago

What's your GPU? Might be too old or not have enough VRAM

RX550 4GB

4 GB is most likely not enough.

caiocenlep commented 1 year ago

What's your GPU? Might be too old or not have enough VRAM

RX550 4GB

4 GB is most likely not enough.

ok, tkx but op GPU is 8gb

WhiteAssassins commented 1 year ago

Tengo exactamente el mismo error con una RX 580 de 8GB.